Monday 15 October 2012

Keep smiling

There's a lot of things in life that can bring us down, either intentionally or accidental. For the most part, the people in our lives that we call friends and family can accidentally make our day that little less bright. For whatever reason, sometimes, the people we love the most make our moods plummet faster than a lead balloon and on the flip side of the coin, sometimes people intentionally hurt us for their own gain. The one thing I have tried to implement in my life is that no matter how hard people try to ruin your day, or no matter how much someone is irritating you, whether for good reason or not- you have to look above it all and choose to be happy because nobody else is going to find happiness for you. Happiness is idiosyncratic; it is individual to each and every one of us.

The easiest thing we can do when someone makes us feel sad is to revel in that sadness and fester for hours and potentially days committing to whatever it was the person may have done or said giving in to the self-fulfilling prophecy those people gave to us of not being good enough. But the much harder thing is to rise above it and choose to smile and be happy despite what they've done. It doesn't even necessarily have to be someone causing your bad mood, but simply a bad day. The fact is we all have them and we all let them get the better of us far too often than we should. But instead of giving in and allowing the bad day or the bad person to affect us more than it should, we should be looking for the happiness; for the moments that make us smile, laugh and enjoy the life we are given. There's always something magical or wonderful round the corner waiting to place that smile on your face- go seek it out instead of dwelling.

Life is short and you're only blessed with one; take the time to cherish every single second of life before you look back with regrets on how you could've handled situations- however cliché it sounds, it's true.

Enough of my philosophical, over-emotional, heart-wrenching advice giving. I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend and are looking for those roses to stop, smell and appreciate :)

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