Thursday, 28 May 2015

Goodbye May!

This is a little bit premature but I missed my Hello May blog (and lots of other blogs in between that) and I wanted to update everyone on what my month has been like...

♡ This month started off with such high hopes of an easy month with the bank holiday meaning that I avoided the dreaded Monday feeling for one of the weeks and I knew that there was only a little amount of time left until half term but it did become one of the most stressful months!

♡ I had the deadlines of reports throughout the whole month and although they aren't very long, managing to write 30 as well as doing my other duties at school, it can be quite a big thing! 
♡ I had my graduation, which was a lovely day! The other NQT in my school was graduating the same day and so we got to spend our graduation together, which was pretty special. I loved being able to share my success with her!
♡ During the middle of the month we got the dreaded call, the call that meant Ofsted was coming and my hair would prematurely turn grey with stress. Those 3 days of my life were horrible. I spent around 4 hours asleep and more than 30 hours at school in those 2 days. It was completely crazy to be in school til 10:30PM and in school at 6AM! It was fine but I am so glad that it is over!! I cried multiple times from exhaustion! 

♡ I started my driving lessons! That was very exciting because I've been meaning to start them for ages but because I've been so busy and it has got dark so quickly, it meant I didn't feel I could start. I took the plunge and I am loving it- I have another driving lesson tomorrow so I might let you know how it goes!
♡ One of the most surprising things about this month is that I've managed to have a little bit of a social life outside of school and work. I struggle a lot finding a work life balance, which means that I spend all my time working or recovering from working through sleeping. I've been making sure that I say yes to more things recently and actually doing things for myself, which is making me happier. It's the direction that I want my life to go in.
♡ This half term came at the right time because I really need time to be able to sleep- I was able to catch up with my old placement teacher for lunch today, which was really lovely She helped me so much  and it was nice to see her again. I also was able to see my nephews and spend some precious time with them, which I love!

Now, I'm looking forward to starting the last half term of this school year so that I can say I have officially finished my first year of teaching- I can not wait to be able to say that I am no longer an NQT! It will be scary to not have that as your back up but I am so ready to not have it lingering over my head anymore.

That's enough chitchat from me for now, I'm still trying to find a little challenge/tag that will bring me back to blogging so if you have any ideas or thoughts, please let me know!

I will see you soon. Cheerio!
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