Thursday, 10 April 2014

Things I Do On My Days Off

As you may know, I am training to be a teacher and people are always jealous of the amount of time of teachers get because of the holidays. Now, I won't go into the debate about how hard teachers work and how much they deserve the time off because people generally don't understand or don't wish to understand. But when I do have days off, I absolutely love it. On a normal day, I would be up at 6AM, and out the door at 7AM whereas on my days off, that isn't the case.

So, here is what I do when I have a day off:

1. Have a lie in.
I love being able to not wake up to an alarm because when you wake up naturally, you instantly feel better! Even if I wake up at 7:30/8AM, which I have been doing so recently, I still class that as a lie in because it's later than I would have been in bed if I were working. Unfortunately, I can never really sleep past 9AM any more, which is such a shame.

2. Lounge in front of the TV.
The bad thing about this is that the days off come during the week and generally daytime TV is sooooo bad! It's boring and really not very exciting. Although, this is where the beauty of Internet comes in because you don't have to stick to what the TV has scheduled, you can catch up on any TV show that you may have missed due to lack of time.
I always do this and at this very moment, I am watching Animal Rescue because I absolutely love that show. It breaks my heart and then refills it when there is a happy ending. Love it!

3. Eat as much as you want.
This is something that I really don't like about days off because I usually have a lot of self-control when it comes to snacking where I hardly eat anything during the day when I'm at school. I can go from 6:30-12PM without snacking on anything and not feeling too hungry but I get up later when I have time off and I eat more. I don't know whether it is due to boredom or if I just ignore my hunger when I'm working but one thing is for sure, I eat like a pig when I'm at home. It's terrible and I need to have a little more willpower when it comes to food! I used to be great with my willpower over food but more recently, since I've been at home, I eat until the cows come home. Fattyyyy!

4. Shop.
During the week, there are so many less people around in the shops (except when it is the half term) and so it's nice to get out and do some shopping without the worry of a time limit. I find that I rarely shop on the weekend when I've been at work all week because I rarely want to do anything other than lounge around and make the most of being able to do nothing. But when you have consecutive days off, it's nice to get out and about shopping without feeling the pressure of relaxing. For most people, shopping might be a nice way to relax but I DO NOT find shopping relaxing, at all!

5. Read.
Whenever I'm at school working, I never find time to sit down and settle in with a good book that I can read until the sun goes down... And beyond! I love reading and escaping into the world that it creates for me and when I'm off, I take full advantage of this and read until my heart is content. I even stock up on new books a couple days/weeks before I have time off so that I am ready.

6. Reconnect with my friends.
Juggling your professional and personal life is difficult when you're working all hours of the day and generally your social life suffers. When I have days off, it's nice to take the time to reconnect with those people that I lose contact with. This doesn't necessarily mean long lost friends but even just sending a lovely text to a friend or making plans to meet up. I think it's important to keep tending to your relationships so they don't wilt away because you're too busy. 

7. Have fun.
Whatever it is that week that I am enjoying, I like to indulge in that sport. Whether that is watching TV shows or getting back into writing. I just like to do what makes me happy and smile. And most recently, this is spending time with my family, especially my little nephew!

What do you like to do on your day off? Let me know in the comments below.
Love you all,

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