Sunday 9 September 2012

Importance of friends...

Another day, another blog...

I've realised in my 20 years of life that to get through life, friends are one of the main sources of happiness. I haven't always had amazing friends to rely on but it just makes me feel more grateful and honored for having the friends that I do now. During High School, I flitted from groups of friends to other groups; mainly because those I got close to ended up leaving or just simply moved on to new friends. I distinctly remember one year in my High School experience when I had no one to hang out with during the day. The only way I stopped myself from not being completely alone was to hang out with my sister and her friends.

But in Sixth Form, I found the group of friends that I truly love with all my heart. I didn't know how much I had missed those years when I had nobody. A friend isn't just someone that is there to talk to when you have time when you're not doing anything. Friends are the people that you can show who you are, 100%, there's no reason for you to hide a particular trait because they accept you for everything you are, and everything you're not. Friends slowly become your family. Friends make you happy, make you mad and comfort you when you're sad; they're always there even if they aren't physically.

I would say I have the best group of friends but most would disagree, call me bias and say their group is better. The fact is, anyone who has a group of friends that is always there is a very lucky person, indeed. From Sixth Form and Uni, I have developed two groups of friends that mean everything to me. I thought with my past, it would be impossible for me to make friends and keep them but I realise I was just waiting for the right group of friends to give myself to.
I cherish my friends and hope that I bring something to their lives without them even realising.

The ever inconsistent aspiring writer,
I couldn't have asked for better best friends <3
Me and my other best friends (made at university)

P.S. Make sure your friends know how much they mean to you, true friends are hard to find. Once you've found your needle in the haystack, you don't want to let it go again- you may never find it again. The same could be said for good friends, they don't come around that often; be grateful.

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