Tuesday 30 June 2015

June Challenge: 30. First Regret


*victory dance*
Now let's get down to business!
(Side note: to remember how to spell business, I literally say busy-ness... I can't remember it otherwise. I'm a dork, I know!)
30. First Regret

I never normally regret life because I am a strong believer that whatever happens to you has a plan . It may suck at the time but it happens for a reason, however cliched that is. I really truly believe that it does. Although saying that, I have regretted things in the past but as I look back on them, I no longer regret them still and so I guess I'm not going to count them because at the time that regret is just clouded by all your emotions of whatever the situation is.

My first lasting regret that I still have now is stopping my daily blogging. I went a good year and a couple of months blogging every single day and although some days it really did feel like a chore, I absolutely loved it. I loved being able to share my life and build a little community- which I feel I really have. I always look at my blog and see that people are still looking back at blogs I wrote a year/2 yeras ago and it makes me really happy to know that people are still enjoying  my content.

I absolutely love writing and when I found blogging, it gave me an outlet and I wish I hadn't given up my streak of blogging everyday because now that I don't have that length, I'm not as committed...

I just have to keep finding new challenges to encourage me to blog everyday to you beauties.

This is a pretty good blog to end my 30 day blogging challenge on and I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has joined me on this journey and have finished it with me.

I also want to give a shout out and a congratulations to my friend Hollie for finishing it aswell. If you want to learn a little more about her, I will link you her blog that you can read her challenge answers.. she's has some awesome blogs. Please check her out :)

I love you all as always. And I'll see you again, real soon!
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Monday 29 June 2015

June Challenge: 29. First Time in Hospital

29. First Time in Hospital
I have been in A&E a couple of times over my life. One of the times that I can remember is thinking I got plastic stuck in my foot- which I didn't but I never really have stayed in hospital, other than when I was born.
Two years ago, however, I was almost admitted to hospital because I had been bitten by a spider. This has a really funny story to go with it and a really disgusting picture to match as well. I blogged about this and so will link you to that blog as well but even then I didn't stay in hospital.
I guess I've been really lucky to have avoided that!

I LOVE how much detail this blog goes into: http://nicolespearlsofwisdom.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/holiday-drama.html
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Sunday 28 June 2015

June Challenge: 28. First Death

28. First Death:

I literally hate everything about having to write this blog- from having to reliving the horrible memories of this to the fact that I have such a strong and still raw reaction to this experience right the way to even having this first experience.

I don't think I will say much about it in this blog but when my first death happened, I have blogged about it before so  I will link you the blog/blogs that I did that will better explain my experience with my first death. 

In this blog, I will express how lucky I have been that I was quite old before I had my first experience of death. Sure, I had people die in my beforehand like my Big Nanny but I was so young that I remember her but I don't remember her death from where she went from being there to not being there. My first proper experience of death was when I was 19 and it was a very long drawn out death that literally tore my whole life to pieces. I have never felt the pain and complete and utter devastation than when I lost my Nan.

I was also so close to my Nan and so seeing her slowly deteriorate was the worst. One of the worst parts about her death was that I was at Uni. It was my first year so although I was home when she died, I missed out on a lot of the months where I could've spent time with her and even to this day I regret it...

Here are some blogs that explain things a little better if you wish to read them:
1. Reliving Nan memories and explaining what happened: http://nicolespearlsofwisdom.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/two-years.html

2. How I responded to my first death: http://nicolespearlsofwisdom.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/grief.html

3. Missing Nan: http://nicolespearlsofwisdom.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/i-miss-my-nan.html

Reading it all back, it literally makes me cry :'( so I'm going to stop there.

I bloody hate this part of life!
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Saturday 27 June 2015

June Challenge: 27. First Kiss

27. First Kiss

Oh this old chestnut... This is probably one of the ones that I was least excited to write about- not because I don't want to share it but because your first kiss is never that great, is it? I remember my first kiss was when I was in high school and I'm not going to name any names but I was always close friends with a bunch of other people and it sort of became a case of everyone hooking up with everyone. I have to say, this did not last long as they never do in high school but it was my first kiss. 

The kisses that were to come were a lot better although I did have one time when I had an unexpected kiss at 17 and I was not expecting the tongue that he slipped into my mouth which meant I was shocked and might have bit him by accident... Oops. The good thing was that after that I said sorry and he didn't hold it against me! Oh the joys...
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Friday 26 June 2015

June Challenge: 26. First Pet

26. First Pet

My first pet was one that l don't really remember because Mum and Dad had got her when I was younger. But she was still alive for about 5 or 6 years after I was born so I do remember her. My first pet was a cat and she was all black. Her name was Sukie (S-oo-k-ee) and we all loved her. The best story about my first cat was that my Nan had bought her sister and so we had them both, which I thought was cute! 

I remember my Mum telling a funny story about my first cat where one day she lifted up the water bowl that she kept outside for her but when she lifted it up, she got a rather big fright.It is well known that cats kill and bring animals home for their owners but Sukie didn't kill them, she trapped them... So when my Mum lifted up the bowl, she ws most surprised when a fat toad jumped out from underneath!!

Unfortunately, Sukie got very sick as she got older and she had to be put down, which was very sad for everyone. I don't know if we have any pictures of her but I can't find any which is a shame :( 

She was my first pet and although I didn't know her as well as I know my pets now, she'll always hold a speciak part in my heart.

Thursday 25 June 2015

June Challenge: 25. First Thing You Do When You Get Home

25. First Thing You Do When You Get Home

The first thing that I normally do when I get home is drop my millions of bags on the floor and say hello to my family before I collapse on the sofa. My days are really long because I leave the house at 7 in the morning and on a Thursday, I don't get home until at least 7 at the very earliest. After I've collapsed onto the sofa, it really depends what I do next. Here are the two scenarios: sometimes Jacob is here and then usually when he sees me, he gets really happy and crawls over to me so I generally have a long cuddle and play with him and then start my work. OR if Jacob isn't there, I usually start by either marking the books that I have brought home from school or reach for my laptop and either plan or resource for the next day! It's not very exciting...

I had totally written this part of the blog thinking that I had something to do on this night but I was a week early so in actual fact, I am doing exactly what I had briefed above... What a boring life.

I felt annoyed though and so I decided to keep this in an change the details to make sure that I could keep it in and not have wasted my time writing it... 

Next Thursday, I am going out for a meal with my school because we recently had an Ofsted inspection, which was really stressful but we got the highest grade, which is Outstanding. The governors of my school wanted to treat the whole staff with a celebratory meal and so the first thing I expect I will do when I get home that day is collapse on the sofa from part from exhaustion and part feeling so bloated and full.

Until tomorrow my little ducklings!
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Wednesday 24 June 2015

June Challenge: 24. First Sport

24. First Sport
I have spoken a little about my sporting past with my first love blog post but I shall expand a little bit on this now. When I was younger in primary school, I loved running and I was very good at it- I was fast and that was something that I was proud of. When you're in primary school, there are always children running around and this makes you so fast that you don't even realise you're sort of training yourself in a sport. The only time that I realised running could be classed as a real sport was when I was selected to take part in a sporting competition against other schools at our leisure centre.
Now I know you're probably thinking, why is that such a big deal? It wasn't that much of a big deal in itself as being a sporting competition, the big deal came when they announced who was being involved with the sporting competition. That day I got to meet Colin Jackson- now if you're not from the UK or you don't know anything about sport, I will give you a big of background information about Colin Jackson.
Colin Jackson is a Welsh former sprinter and hurdler who specialised in 110 metre hurdles. He won the Olympic silver medal and became the World Champion 3 times so he was quite a big sporting person, especially back when I was younger- pre 2000. He now does a lot of presenting and commentating for sporting competitions including the Olympics.
It was quite the experience getting to meet him and I can always remember that day with immense pride that I was chosen from all the children in my school to compete. I also have a signed t-shirt somewhere in the house. I have no idea where but it is here somewhere!
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Tuesday 23 June 2015

June Challenge: 23. First Wish

23. First Wish

Now, this one is a little bit of a fluffy blog for me because I've had many of wishes in the past but they aren't necessarily my first ever wish so I thought that I would give you a little more with this blog and let you know some of my wishes that I had over the past:

1. When I was a little girl I wished to be a teacher. I would create paper registers that I would be able to use when I was teaching my class. I would line up my teddies and dollies and pretend that they would answer the register when I called their name. Now, although this is normal the next part of my story I don't think is very normal- whatever I was being taught at school that day/week, I used to create sheets of work for the teddies and dollies to complete whilst I stood at the front teaching them what they had to do...

2. The next wish that first popped into my head when I thought about my big wishes in life and this is a little bit of a morbid wish because when my Nan, Grandad and Aunt were unwell (at separate times) I would also wish that they would be okay. This was especially when my Nan was dying because it was a long time where she slowly deteriorated. I remember spending hours in the toilet crying my hours out and wishing for her to not die- wishing that she would stay with me forever. Unfortunately, this wish never did come true and even now it breaks my heart! I also wished something similar at the start of this year when my Dad was having his heart attack and thankfully my wish did come true because he is now okay!

3. The last wish that I am going to talk about today is a wish of many people- this is the wish that no matter what happens, I wish that I will find someone who will love me and want to share my life with them. I wish that I find someone funny, handsome, honest and loyal to love me the way that I wish to be loved. I wish to find The One.

What do you wish for? Let me know!

I love you all
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Monday 22 June 2015

June Challenge: 22. First Roommate

22. First Roommate
When I moved to Uni, I was so scared about many of things but one of those worries was who I was going to live with for the next 3 years of my life! It's always a risk when you move in with people that you don't know because they could be the best roommates and then they can be the absolute worst. Thankfully, the first day that I moved into halls at Cardiff Uni, I got some of the best people that I would spend the next 3 years of my life with. They made my whole uni experience and I didn't realise how easy it was to live with people before. It really is like having a massive sleep over with the people that you live with. It was some of my best years!
I started Uni with these fab people who I loved a lot! It was so much fun living in halls with these.
By my third year, my roommates had not changed but we did go from a 5 to a 4 and this was one of the best years I had a uni because I really did spend that last year with my two best friends.
I do miss those days!
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Sunday 21 June 2015

June Challenge: 21. First Detention

21. First Detention

This story is going to make me laugh because I have always been known as the good girl- which I am. I worked hard at school ad never got into trouble because I always did the right thing which included doing my work and homework as well as paying attention. Although, sometimes I did stray from this but I just never got caught. The one time that I did get caught and got a detention at high school was a group detention and it was totally worth it.

We were in Geography one day with our teacher called Mr South - we thought it was so funny that his name was Mr South and used to joke calling him Mr North (we were very immature but it was hilarious). It was one of those days and if you know me in person, you know that I am a giggler. Once I start laughing at something that I find hilarious, I can't stop. I try my hardest to stop my laughter but I really can't and every time that I think about it again, it sends me off into another little giggle fit. 
Anyway, it was one particular morning when we had geography and I was in a very silly mood with some of the other girls in my class. We were talking about something whilst our teacher was teaching and it was so funny that we all erupted into fits of laughter. Now, this would have been fine if we had stopped laughing when the teacher had asked her too but myself and the other girls had got ourselves into such a state of laughter that we couldn't stop. No matter how hard I tried, I just kept erupting into laughter.

Mr South was not impressed and after about the third time asking us to stop, which we didn't, he said the next time he had to speak to us we would be having detention that day during our lunch. Well, you can guess given this blog that we didn't stop and had to stay in at lunchtime (where we still continued to giggle for the first half). 

I am quite happy that this detention is one of the very few, if the only detention I got during my school days. I was such a goody two shoes and I guess that's why I am where I am now. What can I say? I'm not naughty, I just laugh so much. When I'm really laughing, I will not breathe for ages and my lips will eventually turn blue- I find things so funny! It's a nice way to live your life.
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Saturday 20 June 2015

June Challenge: 20. First Film You Remember Seeing

20. First film you remember seeing
I am writing this blog en route to my cousin's 18th birthday party! If I'm being honest, I almost forgot to blog today but I managed to remember. I gotta say this blog will be a short one! I hope you don't mind.
The first ever film that I can remember seeing (in the cinema) was Mighty Joe Young for my friend's birthday. This was in 1998 which made me 6! I loved that film. It was about a gorilla who was friendly and grew up with a woman! He was as the name suggests massive and was taken to an animal sanctuary where he was being poached by a mean man. I love animals so this one to me will always be a tear jerker!
In terms of quality of graphics etc, it probably is not the best but it holds an important part of my heart. I recommend you to watch it if you haven't seen it and let me know what you think of it.
Be warned if you say you hate it, you will not be my friend anymore.
Love you lots, until tomorrow!!
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Friday 19 June 2015

June Challenge: 19. First Country You've Been To

19. First Country You've Been To

I spoke about this a little bit on my previous blog about the first aeroplane ride I ever had but I shall talk about it a bit more as well on this one. The first ever country I went to was America. It literally was a dream come true when I got there because it's every child's dream to be in America, going to Disneyland. I can't remember all the details of the holiday but I know I spent a lot of time in the Disney parks and also in some water parks. I do remember that they had weird weather where it would literally be torrential rain for 3 minutes and then brilliant sunshine the rest of time where you couldn't even see it had been raining. It was pretty mental.

Also, another story that I should share before I finish this blog is that I had loads of my best holidays were in the Haven camps in the country that I come from- the UK. They were the best when I used to spend my days with my family hanging out in the pools during the day and then going to the entertainment in the evening, whilst occasionally being treated to using the arcades. I remember I got enough tokens that I could get a prize and this was when the trolls with cazy hair were all the rage and I remember getting one of those- it was my fave!

What first country have you ever been to? Did you enjoy it? Have you been back?
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Thursday 18 June 2015

June Challenge: 18. First Piercing

18. First Piercing

When I was a baby or a toddler, my Mum and Dad took me to get my first ever piercing in my ears. I know some people think this can be wrong because as a baby, you don't get a choice about whether or not you get your ears pierced but on the flip side of the argument, it's also better. It's better because although it hurts, you don't remember the pain. You don't understand at the time why it hurts, but you can be quite easily soothed and comforted as a child where you easily forget about the pain.

The amount of times I have seen young children take a tumble and fall and then just stand back up and again as if it didn't hurt, it shows how resilient and strong they are. When I had my second hole in my ears pierced, it hurt like hell so I'm kind of glad my Mum got my ears pierced as a child!

What are your views on getting children's ears pierced when they are little? Let me know in the comments below!
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Wednesday 17 June 2015

June Challenge: 17. First Broken Bone

17. First Broken Bone

Well this is going to be a short and sweet blog today because I can honestly say that I have never broken a bone in my entire life. I don't know if that's because I've been extremely cautious in my life or if I just haven't lived an extremely exciting life... I'm going to say that I am cautious because otherwise this blog has just taken a very morbid and sad turn!

I am going to go and touch a lot of wood now and say touch wood because I don't fancy breaking a bone now!

See you tomorrow!
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Tuesday 16 June 2015

June Challenge: 16. First Concert

16. First Concert:
My very first concert was a very small concert with a relatively unknown band at that time. I went and saw The Script play in Shepherd's Bush in 2009 and I loved it. I fell in love with that band more than I had already fell in love with them. Their first ever song that I couldn't stop singing was The Man That Can't Be Moved. Just the way that it is sung and the lyrics- I absolutely love it. Their songs really spoke to me and it was around that time that their songs just gave me everything that I needed to express what was going on in my life- it was as if they spoke the words from my heart... I'll stop being so mushy and disgusting haha!
I love them and here are some pictures:

 I have seen them since at the o2 Arena and although I still do enjoy their music, I have to say that I preferred them when I was younger with their older songs but they are still amazing and I love Danny!

Next concert, I am probably there!!
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Monday 15 June 2015

June Challenge: 15. First Thing I Did Today

15. First Thing I Did Today.

Today was the day that I dread the most because today is Monday and this means start of the working week. My working week day routine is the exact same each time and I do like having this routine. So instead of telling you only the first thing I did today, I thought I would enlighten you on my entire routine whilst including the first thing I did!

6AM - First alarm goes off. I snooze this one and only allow myself 5 minutes to rest before getting up when my next alarm goes off. I'm one of these annoying people that if I'm not sick, I will be up by my second alarm which just happens to go off by 6:05

6:05-6:15 - This is the time when I stumble downstairs, put the kettle on, go to the toilet and make my breakfast. I usually have 2 Weetabix and milk with my cup of tea. This is generally made by 6:10 and then I spend about 5 minutes watching TV eating my breakfast.

6:15-6:40 - This is the time when I have a quick wash, get ready with my hair and clothes put on and the last thing before I go and do my make up is put my contacts in and brush my teeth.

6:40-6:55 - I put my make up on, check myself in the mirror, get all my bags ready to leave and then by 6:55, I am finding my keys, unlocking the door and going outside to walk for the bus.

In 50 minutes, I go from sleeping to Miss Ryan. That is my schedule from Monday to Friday and I hate it! I hate that I am out the door before most people are even awake.. It's not fun!

Never mind, only 4 days to go...
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Sunday 14 June 2015

June Challenge: 14. First Sleep Over

14. First Sleep Over

I think this blog goes hand in hand with the first blog. My first sleepover was no doubt with Gerri, but I would be lying if I said I can remember. I can remember having lots of sleep overs in my time, at other people's houses and at my own but I can't remember exactly.

I remember when you were younger and how sleep overs would literally be the highlight of your entire week! You would be so excited for being able to spend the entire day and night with your best friend and being able to eat lots of sweets, especially at midnight when you would have your midnight feast!

I loved sleep overs!
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Saturday 13 June 2015

June Challenge: 13. First Best Friend

13. First Best Friend
Now I think I have two best friends from my past because these two people were very special to me in the past and are now very special. We were not a 3 best friend group, but they are very dear and close to my heart.
Gerri: We met when we were really young- I can't actually remember when but it was around reception and year 1. We were always at each other's houses and I remember vividly one day when I was round her house and my Mum and Dad had come to get me from there but I got to stay for another 2 hours because our parents were too busy chatting and it literally was like we were sisters because we were that close!
Alice: Alice and I were inseparable when we were younger and I remember spending many of nights round her house and playing with her and her brother Nick. We were so alike and that is probably one of the reasons that we were such good friends because we just got on really well!

So much fun!
As I said, I absolutely love those girls and they hold such good memories from the past and we're still making memories today! It's great!
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We are going to interrupt this blog challenge with a side note blog because this day is important and I wanna celebrate! 

P.S. This is not a picture fromm today but I really like it of myself so I'm including it today because I can BECAUSE IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!
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Friday 12 June 2015

June Challenge: 12. First Ride on an Aeroplane

12. First Ride on an Aeroplane
I consider myself a very lucky person with how much I have been blessed with and this blog just reminds me how I should count my lucky stars! My first ride on an aeroplane is probably the best experience that a child could have- I went to fly to America, and yep you've guessed it, I went to Disneyland Florida and I loved it.

Now, if you've read my summer blogs, you'll know that I was not a fan of flying until very recently so you can imagine what I was like when I was little. I went to Disneyland Florida in 1999, which made me 7 years old. I went with my whole family and we had such a lovely time! I remember being able to eat in Cinderella's castle in The Magic Kingdom and we were so lucky because I also got to meet Cinderella and Prince Charming just as we were coming out of the lift. Normally, you don't see them so for a 7 year old, it was everything to me!
And now I know it's the first challenge but going on the lines of feeling lucky and blessed, a year later I went to Africa, The Gambia and this is one of my best holidays- it was such a big thing when it was 2000 to go beyond Europe and as a family of 8, it was most unusual for us to go somewhere so extravagant but we went and i have such good memories of it! This is a picture of it, which I love. We made such good friends with the locals and other holiday goers. Let's just say, those tow yeras were pretty amazing! 
Cheerio, my loves!
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