Friday, 5 June 2015

June Challenge: 5. First Love

5. First Love:

I don't know what constitutes love and whether this would count as the first boy you liked in primary school and classed as your one true love or the first boyfriend you've had or the boyfriend that you really truly loved- I'm not sure. I think I'll give you an insight into the former because it's a better story and I don't really want to talk about the other first love I had!
The first boy I ever remember liking when I was in primary school was a boy called Jake. He was the coolest kid in the year group and I loved him to pieces. I have a bit of a sad story about my love with Jake because as you do in primary school, you go around and say "so and so likes you" and this happened to me. Someone came up to me and said that Jake liked me and I believed them and got very excited but this was lies and in my small primary school head, it meant that Jake and I were already in love together because he liked me. Unfortunately this was not the case and let me just tell you that the way I found out was very mean and it has left me scarred to this day that I realised my first love was not all that it cracked up to be.

We remained friends and as children do, I made it my mission to beat him in anything that we did and so whenever we would run around at playtime, I worked my ass off to be as fast as he did or even faster. I made it to be as fast as him and whenever we played chasing games, I always managed to catch him because I strived to the be the fastest girl to pull back some of my hurt heart! And when Nicole puts her mind to something, she doesn't give up- I was the fastest girl in my year! I don't know how this helped but it made me feel better to know I was good at something because apparently I wasn't good at getting boys at that age!
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