Monday, 15 June 2015

June Challenge: 15. First Thing I Did Today

15. First Thing I Did Today.

Today was the day that I dread the most because today is Monday and this means start of the working week. My working week day routine is the exact same each time and I do like having this routine. So instead of telling you only the first thing I did today, I thought I would enlighten you on my entire routine whilst including the first thing I did!

6AM - First alarm goes off. I snooze this one and only allow myself 5 minutes to rest before getting up when my next alarm goes off. I'm one of these annoying people that if I'm not sick, I will be up by my second alarm which just happens to go off by 6:05

6:05-6:15 - This is the time when I stumble downstairs, put the kettle on, go to the toilet and make my breakfast. I usually have 2 Weetabix and milk with my cup of tea. This is generally made by 6:10 and then I spend about 5 minutes watching TV eating my breakfast.

6:15-6:40 - This is the time when I have a quick wash, get ready with my hair and clothes put on and the last thing before I go and do my make up is put my contacts in and brush my teeth.

6:40-6:55 - I put my make up on, check myself in the mirror, get all my bags ready to leave and then by 6:55, I am finding my keys, unlocking the door and going outside to walk for the bus.

In 50 minutes, I go from sleeping to Miss Ryan. That is my schedule from Monday to Friday and I hate it! I hate that I am out the door before most people are even awake.. It's not fun!

Never mind, only 4 days to go...
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