Saturday, 27 June 2015

June Challenge: 27. First Kiss

27. First Kiss

Oh this old chestnut... This is probably one of the ones that I was least excited to write about- not because I don't want to share it but because your first kiss is never that great, is it? I remember my first kiss was when I was in high school and I'm not going to name any names but I was always close friends with a bunch of other people and it sort of became a case of everyone hooking up with everyone. I have to say, this did not last long as they never do in high school but it was my first kiss. 

The kisses that were to come were a lot better although I did have one time when I had an unexpected kiss at 17 and I was not expecting the tongue that he slipped into my mouth which meant I was shocked and might have bit him by accident... Oops. The good thing was that after that I said sorry and he didn't hold it against me! Oh the joys...
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