Monday 28 October 2013

Motivational Monday #27

 Doesn't Monday come around quickly when you're looking forward to my amazing motivational speeches? I thought so too ;) So, yesterday there was a big storm that hit the UK. A lot of disruption has been caused by the storm that spread across from the West last night including a lot of trees being blown over and causing incredible cancellations and delays on the trains and tubes. It's an annoying situation and one that is undesirable but thankfully, we have to think about all the positive things surrounding this storm where a lot of people are safe and well.

It makes me question what it is like in countries where hurricanes and tornadoes are rife and a lot more damaging than the storm last night.
Today's message is a lovely short and sweet message about how no matter what we are going through, we cannot lose the one thing that makes us distinct from every other animal in this world. It would be wrong to say that animals do not know love and faithfulness because they clearly do with the hierarchies of their groupings etc but it could be said that only humans feel love and faithfulness to the extent that we do. It is what gives us a conscious and makes us better people.

The second we lose that love and faithfulness to life is when we lose all our humanity. We need to wrap the love that we feel around ourselves to be able to see the right and wrong in the world and choose the right thing. And love doesn't necessarily need to be a romantic coupling, it could be family love, friendship love and sometimes the most important, a love of life. The same goes for faithfulness, it doesn't necessarily mean faithfulness to a partner or to a promise, but a faithfulness to yourself and being yourself no matter what people say

Never let them lose you because that's what makes you who you are. I really love this quote because it takes me back to the priorities of life. Sometimes, we get so caught up with jobs and who has what that we forget the basic premise of life and how life has continued through love. We get too involved with what everyone else is doing that we are completely blindsided by everything else we thought was important.
Do not be driven by sadness and despair, look for the beauty of love and faithfulness drive your life and where you want to go! Never lose sight of the ones you love.

Love you all to the moon and back.

And if you haven't had enough of my mumbling motivational talks, here are some more:

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