Monday, 19 August 2013

Motivational Monday #18

As many of you know, people come in all different shapes and sizes. We also have different personalities and different likes and dislikes. It's one of the things that make us all unique, individual, beautiful and special. Difference is a good thing because it makes things exciting. Difference, however, can be translated as a bad thing and generally is nowadays. When you see people wearing something that isn't mainstream or the trend, you look at them with an element of disgust whether because you dislike what they're wearing or simply label them as weird for wearing what they do. Difference is often represented negatively and I hate it.
There is this crazy notion nowadays that there is this ideal body and ideal way to look. It means that many of people are made to feel bad about themselves because they don't fit the quota of the supermodels who restrict themselves to a cube of cheese a day. The media has made us all so self-conscious that we don't love the way we look. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that I would find it incredibly hard to find a woman that liked her body. People hate their body but it's wrong.

You should love the way you are, just the way you are whatever shape or size you are. As long as you're happy, what is there to worry about? I know people say about health issues etc and that does play a part but women are forced to believe that they aren't beautiful if you aren't a size 6 or a size 8 and it drives me crazy! 
If people were to change the negative thoughts they have about their body the second they pop into their heads into a more positive aspect they like about themselves; people would be a lot happier. Not only would they be a lot happier, but they would see a spike in their confidence because people don't install confidence in you. You place confidence by the way you feel and you are the only one that can change that. Instead of hating on your body, try loving it and you'll find your whole outlook changes.

So what you might not have the "perfect body" that those in Hollywood do? Do you have a personal trainer or a personal chef that pushes you to the brink of death to try and achieve the "perfect body"? If your answer is no, you shouldn't be comparing yourself to them. That's like comparing a rabbit with a plane and then wondering why the rabbit can't live up to the planes achievements. They aren't at all on the same level or used for the same thing. 

Just stop hating. Start loving and change your way of thinking.

Let's all start a revolution where women are empowered to love themselves not find faults when we're all imperfect perfect human beings.


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