Friday 2 August 2013

Throwback Thursday... #10

We'll just say that today is Thursday and ignore the fact that it is actually Friday, because we're THAT type of person! Much like last week's Throwback Thursday, instead of the usual way I have done these blogs for the past couple of weeks, I am going to be having a toy edition of Throwback Thursday. As many of you may know, I was born in 1992, and so ended up being a 90s child, which in my eyes, were the very coolest of the kids. The 90s brought along some very iconic and generational types of toys and so I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite toys from that era! Obviously, I had the whole Barbie/doll obsession but these are some of the other toys that are iconic from my childhood! I also steered away from the generic 90s toys of the Tamagotchi and the alien that lived in a little shell simply because they are still sold now. I tried to think of toys that were perhaps a little less well known nowadays.

1. Sky Dancers
I'm not even sure if they still do these but I can imagine so. I'm also pretty sure that my family had one of every single sky dancer that was ever made. So basically, there was a string on the back of these plastic toys that you would pull and the sky dancer would then be flung up into the air with their arms waving and as the name suggests they would "sky dance." I don't know why these kept me occupied for so long, but it really did! I loved seeing them fly in the sky and I kept always trying to make them go higher or make them spin faster. They were very pretty, and very girly and I loved them!

2. Perfection
This game was frustrating, challenging but so much fun. What you had to do was click the timer on the top of the game and then proceed to put all the shape pegs into the right holes. There was always the fiddliness of trying to make them fit when your hands were shaking from the pressure. When the timer was up, the blue board would jerk upwards and cause all the shapes to fly out. The aim of the game was to put all the shapes in their rightful hole before the time was up. It was frustrating because I always panicked and rarely got them in at the time. I played with this too much that the pieces started to get lost and you can't play without them all, unfortunately. It was one of those games that used a little bit more of a brain that just playing with Barbies. I loved it!

3. Polly Pocket
Now, going back to girliness, this was possibly one of my favourite things. It was so girly and fiddly that I loved every second of it. There were also so many different versions of this that I had to have them all. They had little pieces inside that moved and each contained a little "Polly" that lived in the toy. There were all different sizes ranging from full sized Polly Pockets to teeny tiny keychange Polly Pockets. The only trouble with this was that the parts were so small that they went missing really easily. Without the Polly, the toy was a little redundant seeing as it was all about Polly and the different places that she lived within in the toy. I vividly remember carrying these round and playing with them for ages!

4. Wacky Washer
I completely forgot about this for years before I had to remember it for this blog but I feel like this might actually show my age a little. This was one of the great games simply for the fact it was electronic and so much fun. It was basically a washing machine that spun (nothing too extravagant) but you would play as a group and throw your pieces of clothing into the spinning washing machine trying to get as many of your items to stay inside as possible. The spinning wheel would throw out lots of clothing that didn't stay and you would keep going until someone got all their clothes in and ultimately won. It was one of those games that subconsciously taught you a lesson about having to wash your clothes with being fun. I'm not sure if that was the idea but it certainly kept me entertained.

5. Skip It
This toy was essentially a lazy person's skipping rope. Instead of a generic skipping rope, you would put the circle around your ankle and spin it around, jumping over it as it would circle round your other foot. You could skip for hours with this and never get bored. I used to have one that blew bubbles, I'm sure I did but I might be mistaken. The only problem was when people had these was that it was almost impossible to be close to a friend when skipping. The width of this meant that there was a radius of no-go area unless you wanted a whack round the ankle!

That has been my very short, whistle-stop tour of some of the toys I played with when I was a kid in the 90s. I wonder if any of you remmeber these/played with these/oved this and if you did, let me know. Also, as always, if I missed any iconic toys, let me know and I shall get back to you if I had them too!

Hope you've enjoyed this belated Throwback Thursday!

Muchos love,

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