Sunday 4 August 2013

Overcoming Criticism

One of the hardest things to do in life is to ignore the criticisms of people to see past what they say and to learn something from it. Not all the time do people criticise to be nice and help you out, sometimes people are down and out rude about their criticisms. Nobody in life is perfect and so criticisms are going to happen regardless who you are; rich or poor, young or old etc. It's not picky. But obviously there is a difference between constructive criticism that tells you what you're doing is wrong or not very good and then there's horrible criticism that people say to be mean and to make you feel self-conscious and insecure about whatever it is they are criticising you for.

And we all criticise, sometimes when we don't even realise. It just slips out but we don't really understand how damaging it can be. It's one of those things that we think will just fly over people's heads but sometimes it doesn't. When giving our opinion or criticism, we just need to remember whether we are helping or hindering before we speak...
I am not very good at taking criticism. It's one of my flaws, I have realised it is and I try my hardest to not let it get to me but it's hard. And I still let it get to me nowadays and I hate myself for it. I shouldn't though because it's natural for us as humans to clam up and give up whatever it is we're being criticised for if someone has been mean to us about it. For me, a lot of the criticisms I get is over my writing. It takes me a lot to put my writing online and I hate it when people tell me I'm rubbish. I know I'm not the greatest but I try and I would prefer someone telling me how to better myself than someone to put me down. It makes me not want to write.

And I haven't.

I've let the people who criticised me stop me from doing something I love. I haven't written in months and I used to write almost everyday because I loved it so much. I don't know why I have stopped now when my passion is for writing but somewhere in those criticisms, I lost faith in myself.

I want to find that faith again, grow thick skin and say to hell with whatever anyone else thinks. It's my own happiness that I should worry about and writing does make me happy- it makes me feel proud and I should have never have let a stranger stop me from making myself happy.

I've been trying to recover my enthusiasm for writing recently and I hope that I can pick myslef up from the comments, forget about them and ultimately overcome critcism. It's not eay and I know it will take weeks, if not months to fully restore my confidence to write but I'm dedicated to the cause.
If any of you have had criticism about something you love to do or the way you look, join me along in this journey of overcoming it and tell whoever it was to screw him/herself because they can't put you down. 

Do what you love!
Follow your dream!
Make yourself happy!
Overcome criticism!

Happy Sunday :)

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