Monday 26 August 2013

Motivational Monday #19

When you get your time away from school/work to go on holiday, I feel like it's your ultimate time to be a lazy bum and not do anything. This is why my quote for today is one that I am doing this very second!
Don't you dare feel guilty for not doing anything or falling asleep on the sun lounger in the middle of the day when all you've done is wake up because you deserve your holiday. You deserve the break away from the hustle and bustle of the world and the city. Life is stressful and unless you win the lottery to quit the world of the fast paced workers, you need to remind yourself that you aren't a machine. You aren't a machine that doesn't feel, you get tired and overworked. It is then that you need to take a holiday and relax.

It is then that you need to have nothing to do all day, every day for a couple of weeks. Life is hard but holidays can make it a little bit more bearable.

Enjoy yourself and don't feel guilty- guilt is for those that don't deserve it; but you do!

If you're not on holiday, remember the weekend is a small holiday you get every week. Make it count and don't bring work home with you! Leave it at the door and enjoy your life.

I love you all!

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