Saturday 17 August 2013

Last Minute Shopping

The couple of days before you go on holiday it is always manic of trying to make sure that you have all the things you need to take with you. And even when you get to your holiday destination, you almost always figure out something that you have missed off the list. I thought that today, I would give you a quick way to make sure that you have bought everything you need for your holiday and if not how you can make your last minute shopping all that more effective!

1. Make a list of everything you need.
Go through all the different categories that there are for when going on holiday. These include, cosmetics and products (make-up and suntan cream etc), clothing (that you should split into the different categories of outfits), electricals (hair dryer etc), shoes, wash bag and so on and so forth. This will give you an idea of what you need to pack and ultimately what you need to have in the first place.

2. Go through everything in your wardrobe.
The worst thing you can do is leaving putting your clothes that you want to take in piles to the day before. You want to make sure that a) you have the clothing that you want and b) that they still fit you. Do this a couple of days ahead of your holiday; just take everything out you wanna take, try it on and then put in a pile for packing later on. On a separate sheet, note down what you don't have, what you want to get so that you can it with you when you next go shopping.

3. Check your supplies.
You might think that you have already bought x amount of suntan creams earlier on in the year but that doesn't necessarily mean that you did or that you will be able to find them from your special hiding place. Many of years, my Mum has bought so many suntan creams but we have forgotten to pack them because we can't remember where she put them. It's annoying and a waste of money. If you check, you'll know if you need to buy some and they'll be where you know they are.

4. Do this list over a couple of days.
You might think of something that you hadn't the day before. I only just thought about needing some shave gel when it never occurred to me before. Your mind isn't a machine and it will forget the things you use everyday and don't think of. Just do yourself a favour and go back to thinking about what you might need. List them out again if it helps. One year, my family had forgotten to buy toothbrushes and so whilst they were calling us to board the plane, we were in Boots trying to quickly buy toothbrushes before we left- that is not advisable.

5. Give yourself a pat on the back.
Once you know you've got everything you need, give yourself a big pat on your back and congratulate yourself on being awesome.

6. Go back and check my blog.
Click this link for when you actually pack your suitcase:


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