Friday 23 August 2013


There is a great myth about skinny people, and that is that they are both not fat and healthy. Although, as many should know is that this isn't the case. It's not the case that if you're stick thin that you're super healthy and you aren't fat because everyone has fat in them regardless of your size. I heard of this little acronym the other year when my sister called me it and it's so true that I wanted to share it all with you...

Thin on the
Fat on the
Just because I am skinny and a size 8 does not mean that I am not secretly fat. In fact, I know that I am fat on the inside. I know that irrespective of my size, I don't eat very well. Yes, I do have well balanced meals with lots of fruit and veg in my diet but I also have a heck of a lot of fat, sugar and overall bad things on a daily basis. This is why I know that I am fat on the inside.

I can't physically see the pockets or layers of fat in my body but I know they are there. I know that surrounding my organs, there are probably more fat layers that I realise that are squishing them and are potentially going to cause me trouble soon. I also know that because I am fairly skinny that I don't always take care of myself as much as I should because the outer image of ourselves is all people really think about. But that's not true. I should do a lot more exercise than I do to be healthy and not just skinny.

It goes to show that just because people are skinny, does not mean they aren't fat. That is why I wanted to write this blog today because everyone has some misconception that being skinny means that you aren't fat and it isn't true. 
I'm skinny but I know that I'm fat. Not in a "look-at-me I-want-a-compliment" type of way but in a medical sense, I am.

People are so concerned with their size that they don't realise that size isn't everything. Size doesn't mean you're healthy and it definitely doesn't mean you're not fat. We all need to change our way of thinking to a more scientific and truthful way. Don't hate your body!


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