It’s always been a wonder of mine why we would let love in so quickly and allow for it to take over us without asking if it could. At the moment in time, I suppose, nothing else matters than feeling that glorious emotion when you see the person that you love. Have I ever been in love? I’m not sure, I’ve certainly felt like I have been in love various times in my life but can I honestly, hand on my heart say that I’ve felt that abstract emotion that worms its way through almost every film? I don’t know. I’d like to think that I have been in love and that I’ve been loved back- after all people say that money makes the world go round, but its love. Apart from children who are produced by a mistake meaningless encounter of sex, most humans are created through love and passion. If we are getting biological, human life makes the world go round and I guess as a consequence or definitely as a process- love makes the world go round.
That makes me filled with joy for some reason; the fact that above everything, despite what people say, love is something we all want to feel- whether it is a parent-child love, a relationship love or even a love of an activity. It all provides us with that happiness and knowledge that regardless what happens to us, life will still go on, and we can still smile at whatever life throws at us.
On the surface it seems that love is something that everyone should just jump into without a care in the world because it provides you with the most exciting and beautiful memories and feelings, it stands to ask the question what could possibly be bad about falling in love?
The answer to that question is the fact that as easy as it is to fall in love, it’s easier to fall out of love. Love is a game of risk, you risk everything and put it all on the line for someone, you basically give them your heart in their hands and ask them to take care of it, and in that; you risk having it broken or dropped by them. Not on purpose, but simply because life doesn’t hand out certainties. When you fall in love, there is no contract to sign that says you have to stay in love forever, which let’s be honest would be a whole lot better. Heartbreak is territory that we’ve all faced. Perhaps not to the extent of getting your heart broken by a person you were in a relationship with, but heartbreak when a pet dies or a family member passed away, or simply heartbreak when you realise that life isn’t always what it once seemed to be. Sometimes the latter forms of heartbreak and worse than the first.
Heartbreak comes in many different forms but all ends in the same way- some cry whilst some get angry, some get revenge and mostly like me, some try to forget and move on. But as the quote goes “trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew.” It’s a hard, long and excruciatingly painful process to try and fix yourself again after your world has been shattered but it’s one that over time gets easier. I can say that I don’t think I’ve felt heartbreak in its truest form yet, but I have felt heartbreak all the same. When you look at someone and realise that everything between you has changed it makes you feel stupid and helpless; stupid because you thought that it would last forever, and helpless because no matter what you did; the problem was you.
I guess what I am trying to get across through this post is that if you’ve ever experienced heartbreak or love; you’ll know what I’m getting at. I sincerely hope that you all find love, and keep heartbreak to the minimum but don’t sacrifice love because you are scared. Go into love with your arms wide open and your heart willing to love, because as the saying goes; it’s better to have loved and lost, than to have never have loved at all. At the time it doesn’t seem like this is true, but once you get past the negative feelings and the sadness, you’ll find that you made wonderful memories and moulded yourself into the person you are today.
Let yourself love, and let yourself be loved in return- it’s worth it in the end!
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