Wednesday, 13 October 2010


Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and instantly recoiled at the reflection staring right back at you?

I’m guessing that everyone reading and everyone not have experienced this at least 5 times up until now, probably a whole lot more. Whether that be on a daily basis; a general dislike of who you are, or from the morning after the night before; where you are looking a little worse than wear, or possibility the most heart-breaking, those that don’t look in the mirror at all and recoil all the same when someone gives them a knowing stare. Everyone has things that they dislike about themselves on the outside, their nose is too big, eyes too far apart, ears stick out too much and their lips are too thin that it is impossible to call them lips at all. Our biggest judge in this world is ourselves, we, who are far more critical of whom we are, what we look like than anybody else; and generally are right about these conceptions of ourselves. The thing that I hate most in this world is the fact that someone thinks they have the right to criticise someone for the way they look based on the assumption that because they know you slightly- they have a right to do so. The basic premise of life is that if you don’t have anything nice to say to somebody, don’t say anything; that includes lying about something nice only to say you lied after.

In the world we all hate ourselves, we all have a distorted view of ourselves and we all have lots of things that given half a chance would change in a heartbeat; but it’s not just what we look like on the inside that is taken from us and judged completely. Our personalities and traits get judged too and slaughtered until self-esteem is nothing but a distant memory and a pile of shattered ego on the floor. It is true to say that although a huge ego is mildly irritating for some, an ego is still needed for life to progress; for people to feel the need and want to continue life. It has come to my attention recently that someone I used to know slated me for everything I am not, including my appearance and my personality. It is never easy to hear people speak negatively about yourself but it is worse when you know those things being said are true and have been in the back of your mind for as long as you can remember. When people say the things you feel, it makes them all that much real and something that you can’t run away from. You don’t have to look in the mirror, you don’t have to face up to your imperfections but you have to listen to someone telling you everything you know. It’s easier to believe the bad stuff people say compared to the good stuff.

We all have traits that we aren’t proud of and things that we wish we could change but we can’t and I’ve tried for many years to accept who I am and who I was born to be. Granted; I am not the prettiest flower in the flowerbed, granted; I am not the smartest book in the library and most importantly granted; I am not perfect. I am needy, boring and completely uninteresting most of the time- but I am completely dedicated, empathetic and here to help, regardless what you do or say. Take the time this week to look at who you are, at who you are not, and find things that you like about yourself. There are always going to be things that you don’t like, but level them out so that life looks a little bit brighter when people choose to comment on you in a not so pleasant way- it makes for a happier outlook on life and lets that other person lose to a game that you quite frankly don’t wish to play.

Everyone is beautiful and valued in their own way; and those who decide to put you down aren’t worth the air you breathe. Once you can find beauty in yourself, you can blossom like a beautiful flower that those who are worth it; will take the time to admire.

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