Saturday, 31 January 2015

Day #2 of 30 Day Challenge

Day #2: A picture of you a year ago.
I went with a picture that most people wouldn't have seen because my friend Instagram'ed it a year ago. This was a picture of me on a lovely dinner date with my best friend at TGIs which we must do again. We had cocktails and we had great food. It really was a lovely night out.

Sidenote: Check out the glasses!! #hot

I miss her so much and I always find myself too busy without finding time for her. I promise myself that in the next couple of weeks, I will arrange to meet up with lots of friends.

This past week has been hard for me for numerous reasons but it's my friends and family that keep me going!!


Friday, 30 January 2015

Day #1 of 30 Day Challenge!

So this is the start of a beautiful (and hopefully a successful) 30 day challenge. So to remind us all, for the next month (30 days) I will be posting a new picture following the rules of what each post is about. If you want to check out which pictures are going to be posted on which day, just take a quick look back at the blog I posted previously:

ANDDDD let's get started. 

Day #1: Your Facebook profile picture.

This is the easiest one ever and I'm pretty glad that I have an okay profile picture for this one!
Got to love a bit of Instagram!

Well, day #1 done, only 29 more days left. This is going to be very exciting.

For once, I am looking forward to a challenge and it feels so good to be excited about something other than work and school. I'm pretty glad to have started this!

Love you

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Throwback Thursday

Considering I haven't been blogging for a while and it is currently parents evening today, I thought I would throwback to my previous parents evening blog and then add a little on the end.

Thursday 9th October 2014:

This is my second round of parents evening and I gotta say, I am a little less nervous but still nervous nevertheless. I realise that I am taking parent's babies and that's such a big deal to people. It takes a lot for parents to trust another person with their child and every day they end up having to trust me with them. It's a big responsibility but as a teacher, you end up growing to love the children as if they were part of your family and so there's never any second guessing that I wouldn't protect them with my life!

It always makes me feel good when I can show the parents how much I have grown to know their children and how much I can tell about them. It makes me feel like a success when that happens and it's even better when a parent shares their thanks with you. I absolutely love it!

I expect that by the end of the night, my voice will be gone but that's life. I'll remember to take my water bottle today!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Tuesday's Treasures!

Let's see how long I can keep this up... I'll let you into a little secret (if you didn't know it already) I'm currently writing this what would have been yesterday today at half 8... I get up and am out the house by 7 in the morning and I don't get back until 7 at night- it's almost impossible to blog to same day.

I spent the weekend chilling and going on a little bit of a mad spending spree. Unfortunately, I haven't yet received my clothes but I wanted to share some pictures of what I have bought to find out your opinions!!

First and foremost:
1. Slim Fit Joggers from Superdry!
Now, the only thing that makes me extremely worried about Superdry is the sizing... I don't know whether or not I trust their sizing guide because I know Superdry comes up so small and also because of my height, I don't want it to be too short. I'll see what they look like when they come.
All I wanted was some really comfy joggers that I can wear about the house when I'm chilling out on the weekend. I wear shorts to bed and when I feel like a pyjama day, I end up having to get changed because shorts in this weather is not a good idea!

2. Tunic dress
These dresses on other people look so lovely and I'm always really jealous by how nice people look in them and so I thought I would treat myself to some. I don't know how they will look because my body shape pretty much resembles that of a teenage boy... and not in any good way. But when it comes, I'll try it on and give it a go. I think I like it because it has that very forgiving shape where you can hide any parts of your body that you don't like!

Which leads me quite nicely onto my last purchase:
3. Another tunic dress
Again, this is a bit of a risky buy but I thought I'd give it a go. Postage and packaging was free so even if I send it all back, there's no money wasted!!

I am also looking for a new pair of long black boots seeing as mine have decided to have a chat with me half way through the school day. If you have seen some good black boots around, let me know where they are from and I'll take a look into them. My calves are quite small and I'm not a fan of baggy ones so any boots that are quite small around the top will be grand for me! 
These are the ones that I had before!

TUESDAY SHOPPING TREASURES! I really hope they come soon. It's like Christmas at the end of January. Yippeeee!

Monday, 26 January 2015

Monday Realisation

Holy Mackerel! Waking up this morning, I was completely hoping that I would have a groundhog moment when I realise that I am actually waking up again on a Saturday... Alas that dream was not to be. But what I did realise was that this week marked the 4th week of 6 weeks for this half term- which means that I am officially more than half way through the half term and 2 weeks and 4 days away from the next week off. Yippeee.

This week is going to be a little bit of a crazy week because there are so many things that are going on. I thought I'd share with you what my last week of January looks like seeing as I missed my Hello January blog for this month!
26th January: A normal Monday in the eyes of a teacher. I have teaching but then I have my Arts and Crafts after school club followed by a meeting! Then when I get home today, I imagine I will be marking and making resources for tomorrow. Hopefully my nephew will be around so I can have baby cuddles :)

27th January: This Tuesday will be a little different for me because today someone is being interviewed for a teaching job in my classroom which means I have to be gone from my room for 45 minutes. It feels very surreal to have someone else teach my class for a teaching job and it feels like only yesterday I was in the exact same position as they are! Then staff meeting and pretty much the same routine of going home for marking and resourcing!

28th January: Wednesday is always my hump day. No matter what mood I wake up in, it always brings me down. Now, I think for me, it's the prospect of having to stay until 8 planning that brings me down. But I get the afternoon off for PPA on this day so I am looking forward to having a bit of a mid-week break!

29th January: Parents evening! Again. I think I'm definitely less nervous for this parents evening but it's just making sure everything is ready for it on top of the normal teaching schedule. It'll be fun!

30th January: FRIDAY! Need I say any more?

31st January: A chill out day for me. I always spend this day trying to do something for me. Last Saturday I delved into a book because I never normally have time to read on a weekday. It's always really nice to have that day to yourself and I refuse to work at all!

1st February: The day that I start my challenge. Eek, it makes me really nervous to think about it! I'll try my best to complete it. Fingers crossed I make it. Half term is half way through it so I'm sure I can manage til at least then... Right?! And this is my planning day, all things school related!

And that's my week. I'm hoping that next week will be more exciting, and perhaps I can meet up with some of the friends that I have been severely neglecting. I'm sorry people!!

Have a lovely day everyone. I hope you're all having a happy one and if it's not a happy day, try and make it one :)


Sunday, 25 January 2015

New Challenge?

So, yesterday, after I blogged, I realised that I really miss blogging and how since I've started teaching, my hobbies have become almost non-existent. The funny thing is, yesterday I went to the opticians for an appointment about contact lenses and she asked me if I would wear them for any hobbies. And it dawned on me then that I really don't have any hobbies anymore, or I haven't got time for them. It made me pretty sad. So, I started looking online for some of those fun tags that you can do for your blog and I came across the 30 Photo Tag Challenge or something like that. Now, I had a little look and I thought it was quite manageable.

Here is where I make a challenge and kick myself for it later... I think for the month of February, I am going to try and complete the 30 Day Challenge on Blogger. I know that once I post this, I kind of need to complete it but if I've set it as a challenge, I'm going to try my hardest to do it!

Let me know what you think about this and whether or not I'm just a little crazy to add more onto my already hectic life.

1. Your Facebook profile picture
2. A photo of yourself a year ago
3. A photo that makes you happy
4. A photo of the last place you went on holiday
5. A photo of you
6. A photo that makes you laugh
7. A photo of someone you love
8. A photo of your favourite band/musician
9. A photo of your family
10. A photo of you as a baby
11. A photo of your favourite film(s)
12. A photo of you
13. A photo of your best friend(s)
14. A photo of one of your favourite family members
15. A photo of you and someone you love
16. A photo of you at the last party you went to
17. A drunk photo of you
18. A photo of one of your classes
19. A photo of you on a school trip
20. A photo of something you enjoy doing
21. A photo of you standing up
22. A photo of your town
23. A photo of your friend as a baby
24. A photo of you that you hair looks nice in
25. A photo of a night you loved
26. A photo of your favourite weekend
27. A photo of last summer
28. A photo of what you ate today
29. A photo of someone you find attractive
30. A photo of you when you were happy

What do you think?! 

Have a lovely Sunday! I've literally not moved from the sofa yet doing all my planning for the week. Life of a teacher, eh!


Saturday, 24 January 2015

It's Been So Long!

Hello my old friend,

It feels so weird to not have blogged for literally months... Since last year (cue the sarcastic laughing at my lame joke)! I just looked back and saw that my last blog post was in October. Wow. It's been such a rollercoaster ride recently with working as a teacher and all the stress that comes with that but although it's hard work, I've had the time of my life! I've made such good friends at work and I've also sort of figured out my place in the school. I'm starting to get the hang of it all and trying to redevelop a social life- it's funny to say that I know.

I'm still dead tired but I'm reaping the benefits in my bank balance... Having money is such a good feeling! I know that this year is going to be a good one. I'm going to pass my NQT year and have survived the hardest year of my life and I'm also going to finally graduate from my Uni with my Postgrad degree.

It's so strange to look back to the time that I started this blog at the very start of my first Uni experience to then look at where I am now - a newly qualified teacher in her second term of her NQT year with two degrees under her belt. The only thing I need to do next is pass my driving test and I'll be grand!

It's also weird because I no longer see myself as a child, I have a proper job with a proper income and a direction that I'm going in for the future. Life is pretty good at the moment for me. I'm not always happy nor always excited about how much work I have but I'm more settled in life now than I have been for years. I'm happy. I really am and I'm so excited to get to the end of my NQT year and see where life takes me.

I'm happy and on the days that I don't feel happy, I feel blessed and that is just as good as feeling happy. I'm so lucky to be where I am and it makes me proud of myself to have struggled and fought for my place in the world, which is where I am now!
I want to travel at some point in my life and so I guess I'm working up to finding the money and finding someone to go with.

A little update from me! I'll see you on the flip side of my next blog post... maybe in a year's time ;)

Love you all