Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Hello October

Is it just me or did September feel like it took forever to end but at the same time has flown by so quickly. It seems like forever ago that we had one of these "Hello" segments. Never mind, the quicker time goes, the older I'm getting and I want to be young for as long as possible.
Also, pinch punch, first of the month, no returns! I win... Ha!

So, it's finally the month of October, where Autumn really sets in and Halloween is the theme of the month. It also means that Christmas is really not that far away. For my October, this is what I have planned:

 1st October - I am getting my phone number transferred to my new phone so that I can officially start using it like a normal phone rather than carrying around two!

 4th October - It is the PGCE Primary course night out and I am a little scared to go out drinking with people I have only just met. I have a tendency to make a complete fool of myself when I'm out and drinking...

 10th October - It is my brother's 20th birthday. It feels so weird that he is that old and doesn't seem possible. He'll always be my little brother but nowadays he's my big little brother...

 12th October - I am going out for my uni friend's Anneke's birthday. I'm looking forward to hanging out my friends without having to talk about uni!

 25th October - My first assignment is due in and I have only started it a little. I'm not too worried about this because it's just a literature review and all I need to do is put in as many theorist as I can.

 28th October - 1st November - I have reading week, which means NO uni and I can't be more than happy about this. I really want to have a long week off and this is going to be bliss. I will ignore the fact that the week after, I will be starting my first placement...

 31st October - Halloween

And obviously from the start of the month to 28th October, I will be in uni every weekday with copious amounts of work to be done in between but that is my October summed up in one little blog.

Is your October looking more or less exciting than my one? I hope yours is a little less stressful! What do you have planned?

Bring on October!


1 comment:

  1. http://www.youtube .com/watch?v=VpVEhqorNks ... I know it's not all in my head.
