Friday 16 November 2012

Passive aggressiveness is awesome!

I don't know why it appears this way, but to me recently, it always feels like I'm wrong regardless what it is that I am saying and if it's right or not. I know that I am not the smartest kid around, and I realise I've had this rant to everyone before, but I need to get it off my chest again before I implode. I don't think I have great understanding of many subjects and so I appreciate someone telling me that I'm wrong but when I know that I'm right or at least a little right in what I say- it gets annoying when I'm bluntly told that I'm wrong and it is implicitly implied that what I'm saying is stupid. I guess part of the annoyance does come from the fact that I have a personality trait to be a sore loser which makes it worse, but I can't be imagining things to this extent unless I'm paranoid that everyone is out to be mean to me, which is very possible. But probable? I'm not sure.

Getting off track a little, I guess I just want people to appreciate what I say a little more and trust in the knowledge that what I say isn't always complete and utter bullshit (although a lot of the time, I admit that I do talk a lot of crap). I might not be Albert Einstein, but it has been known for me to have some smartness knocking round this brain of mine.

As the song goes "all I'm asking for is a little respect when I come home..." The words are a little off but you get the message I'm trying to send.

Oh and you gotta love a bit of passive aggressiveness every now and then- because I frickin' love it!
Almost as much as I love you guys, over and out ;)

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