Tuesday 13 November 2012

Where is the time going?

As I am sat here getting ready, it occurred to me that not just the other day I was shocked at how it was already the 1st November; but today I am struck by a bigger revelation. We are already half way through November and I know- as the hours tick by, so do the days but I literally can't remember what I have been doing to warrant the days to have sped by this quickly.

Even as I sit here, I know it's already Tuesday of this week and in no time, I'll be looking upon the weekend again with the same sense of freedom as I always do. It's true what they say about time flying the older you get because I can't believe that we're just peering at 2013 from across the water- in no time, we'll be celebrating the New Year and that is definitely scary.

When I think about my time at uni, and this year being my last- no matter how long I may make it out to be; it has whizzed by faster than a firework exploding in the sky. Blink one second and you'd have missed it. Already on my way to being 1/3 of the way through my final year; and yes it's scary as hell. I know that these are the moments I need to remember whenever I want something to hurry up because I should be treasuring every second and not wishing my life away. I need to remember that otherwise I'll be 50 before I know and have no idea what I did with my life (exaggeration is a must in life.)

Revelation Tuesday is blowing my mind. Although, this does mean that Christmas isn't just around the corner, it's knocking right on our doorsteps and I can't wait!

Over and out,
p.s. I got sick when I went home and now I'm suffering, poor Nicole!! xxx

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