Monday 26 November 2012

Weekend home

I had a magical time at home, being able to see and spend time with my family again topped off with a great 21st birthday party spent with some of the best friends a girl could ever ask for. I don't normally enjoy hall parties simply because I end up either standing alone for half the night or being too conscious of myself to loosen up and have fun, but neither happened, and after a couple of Sambuca shots, I was more than ready, embarrassingly enough, to show off my *amazing* dance moves in front of everyone. I had an amazing night and will always treasure the rare group photos we managed to get through the night. Now that everyone is scattered across the country, it's hard to find plentiful opportunities in order to all get together and have a picture taken, so I like it lots when we can.

Although it was a fleeting trip; I thoroughly enjoy every second I get to be around the people I miss the most. Despite the fact I always have a tinge of sorrow when boarding the coach to bring me back to Uni, I know that I won't be sad for long knowing that I'm going back to my uni friends.

Once again, I prayed and hoped that I wouldn't get anyone sitting next to me on the coach, like I always do. I like the chance to spread out and fall asleep without being too conscious of whether or not my mouth is wide open or my head will lull and end up against a stranger's shoulder. So, you could imagine my slight, unnecessary annoyance when a lovely, kind old man sat next to me with his wife sitting next to another young girl opposite so they could still talk. I instantly felt bad about my selfish thoughts and annoyance when he offered to put my coat into the overhead space on the coach. Although  it has to be said; I dislike having to sit next to males more than females just because of the sheer space they take up and end up encroaching on my paid for seat. But that's neither here nor there in my story. He then proceeded to offer me things during the journey, including a KitKat and an mint imperial, which I gracefully declined both.

Unexpectedly, the kind offer of an mint imperial made me experience the stabbing feeling of impending tears in my eyes. It's one of those small memories that hits you right in the guy when you're least expecting it. My nan, who I miss terribly, had ALWAYS, without fail, carried around a small plastic bag containing the small, round mint imperials and offered them to use periodically throughout the time we spent with her. It's suffice to say that I will always associate this with my nan and I think I'll find it hard, if not impossible, to have another mint imperial knowing that she's not around to give me them any more  As I said, a small and fairly insignificant thing to most people but yet another constant reminder of what I have lost.

I apologise for ending this blog on a low note, but I hope you all have a wonderful week :D xxx

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