Monday 27 May 2013

Motivation Monday #6

Sixth week of motivation- even though this has been an extra day off given the fact it is Bank Holiday meaning you probably don't need motivation anyway but here we are...
Life is short as I've said a gazillion times before in this blog, I'm sure; but the fact is it really is true. We are only on this beautiful planet for a very short time and if we already look at the years we have spent, there have been times that we wish we had done something that we didn't. It's easy to demean yourself and think that you don't deserve as much as you actually do and that always translates into us never really expecting or striving to get what we do deserve.

My motivational message for today is simply to stop devaluing how much your happiness is worth and how much you deserve in life, and take every opportunity by the horns. The world doesn't owe you a living and nor should you possess such a viewpoint but I know the mentality of most good people and I know that you do deserve more than you think you do. Don't put yourself down. Your happiness may be something that you are willing to sacrifice just because you have a warped sense of your worth but I am not willing.

Never settle. Try and reach for everything that you can and sometimes even before. And if you don't get what you expected- it'll be more than you initially thought you would get. 

You deserve all the stars in the sky worth of happiness and love- grasp that, don't settle for imitative rocks :)

Hope you've all had a lovely and sunny Bank Holiday Monday. I woke up at 4:30AM this morning for a 6AM set up for a car boot sale. I spent 7 hours haggling and selling lots of old crap from our house and thankfully the sun was shining the entire day otherwise I would not still be fairly happy now.

Lots of love.

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