Monday 10 March 2014

Motivational Monday #41

Oooooh, Nicole has been seriously slacking in her duties to blog. I feel like the second I allowed myself to miss a day that was  the day that me blogging regularly would go downhill... Oh dear. But I'm hoping that I can pull it back and get back to a good routine. Maybe not everyday, but numerous times a week because I do miss blogging and I miss taking out a section of my day each day to focus on writing for pleasure. This week I have two essays due in on Friday and it has come down to me having to force myself to finish it. And writing has no longer seemed fun for me. I also am under so much pressure by myself to do everything single handedly. It's a flaw of mine. I hardly ever ask for any help from people... But I'm back today and hopefully a couple times this week because I don't have uni or school this week!

This is my motivational message for you today:
No matter what you do in life or how much you achieve, there is always going to be those people in your life that give you negativity. Whether that is negativity in what they say discouraging you or giving you negative thoughts for your successes, or if it's negativity in how they treat you. There will always be those people that criticise your life choices regardless what you're doing. You're either not working hard enough or you are, you're either being too much of a failure or they hate you for being too successful. You can  never really win with some people and there's a point in your life that you will realise you can't please everyone. Before you realise this, you will forever be trying to please them, but you need to remember that you can't stop yourself from doing things simply because they try and put you down.

If you've ever stopped to think and question about what you're doing because you might be judged by someone, you need to throw caution to the wind and just do it! You need to leave behind the reservations and just do it, follow your head and heart without fearing judgement because as the quote said, you will be criticised either way. What's the point in living your life by someone else's rules and still being criticised?

Don't listen to those that spread negativity in your life because they only do such nasty things to try and make their own sad little life happier. Don't listen to them and just follow your heart. You shouldn't be going out of your way to please them, you should be going out of your way to get AWAY from them!!
I love you all and I hope that seeing this blog has made your day a little brighter!

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