Wednesday 26 March 2014

One Year Anniversary

I can't believe it is a year today that I lost my wonderful Grandad. I still remember that day as clear as day in my mind and even if I wanted to forget it, I know I never will. A lot has happened in that year, both good and bad, and I wish he was still here to see it all.

I miss him every single day and it still doesn't feel real that he isn't just around the corner. Losing someone never feels real, or at least, I never let myself think they are gone because I know the second I allow myself to realise they aren't here in some shape or form, the second I won't want to live any more. 

I don't believe that we spend this long making and securing loving relationships to have them taken away in death. The love never dies even if the person does. Some of you may disagree with me, but for me, my Grandad and my Nan are still around. They're still around somehow, whether that is in the form of a ghost or a spirit or even just living on in the people they have touched with their lives. But they're still here, still watching over me and still smiling.

I hope you're happy wherever you are Grandad. Every first without you hurts but I know that you're finally back where you long to be.

I love you!

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