Monday 24 March 2014

Motivational Monday #42

Today is my first date at my new placement school and I am pre-writing this to give you a motivational Monday so who knows how it is going. Make sure you read my blog tomorrow (that I shall be writing tonight) to find out my thoughts on what happened and whether I have stopped being such a ball of nerves! In light of my lack of knowledge of the future to tell you that things you're scared of are never as bad as you seem, I want to give you motivation to go for things that you are scared of even if it does make you a ball of nerves.
Just because it makes you scared doesn't mean that it should be something you avoid. I know that most of the time, the scared feeling is not one that we like. It's not one that we want to keep with us and definitely not one that we consciously thrust upon ourselves but I've a big believer in doing those things to make you scared. What is a life where we keep ourselves safe and secure in a little bubble not trying new things that scare us. I'm not saying we should go near any sharp pins to burst our bubble but pushing our bubble to the limits never hurt anyone. If you're scared of something, you should try even harder to do that thing because then it means you not only have done that thing but you've also overcome a great fear, which is not easy to do!
You don't need to let fear rule your life or get in your way. Sure, it might be hard and you might fail a time or two. But is it better to live in a world where you don't try things and don't fail or to follow your dreams and fears to find a world where you might fail but you'll still be miles ahead of yourself than if you didn't try at all. Life isn't about getting things right and being safe, it's about trying new things and finding out that you don't know it all and you can fail but fail with no regrets and no empty what ifs. 
Go for it. What do you have to lose?

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