Monday 22 April 2013

Motivational Monday #1

Okay, so I am going to start this new thing for my every day blog; it's a segment called "Motivational Monday." I'm not sure how long I will run it for but let me know what you think of this idea- like/dislike/don't care... 

We all have those moments on Monday morning where our motivation is at an all time low because we know that the working week has only just started and the weekend seems too far away. We all need little motivational moments that will pick us up from our reverie. Cue Nicole.

Today's motivational message that I am sending to all you beautiful people is:
Half of the time, we are all looking forward to something in the future rather than focusing on the day we are currently living. I feel like it is a very Western societal thing to be fast paced, and to think about a million other things that makes us lose out on the actual beauty of a day. We can't go around living for next week, or the week after, or even whatever is going to be happening in a month's time.

Today, I want you to take today and just enjoy it. 

Enjoy every small detail that you would otherwise miss. For instance, the small delight on someone's face as they walk down the street, or the just blooming flowers or even just the fact that today will be a good day because the sun is shining. Every day is a miracle and it should be lived to the fullest, not wasted away. Every day is precious.

Let's not wish our life away, let's enjoy every single second that we are blessed to have. I promise you, it'll make you a happier person.

I hope that today you are a little bit more motivated to love your life, because you are special, loved and deserve happiness.

I love you all my lovely little ducklings.
Keep smiling!

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