Everyone falls asleep and after lots of dreams everyone wakes up with little or no recollection of what they have dreamt about.. I, on the other hand, have been remembering all my weird, crazy dreams as if they were real. And I don't know whether I'm having them because of my loneliness/sadness or stress/anxiety, or whether I'm just over thinking everything, but I thought I would share them with you and you can make your own decisions about what they mean. If you are good at decoding dreams, please do let me know what they could mean. Thank you. Each and every time I fell asleep in my normal routine, nothing different but awoke with surprisingly strong emotions.
1. Failing.
I recently tried to book my Maths Professional Skills Test to get onto my PGCE course, which I need to pass before 30th June. I had dreamt that the test was done like any other generic school test with paper test and a person marking it (which it isn't, it's done on a computer with electronic marking). So, I finished my test and handed it in waiting patiently for her to mark it in front of me. To my absolute horror, every question I answered, I got wrong and had to listen to her muttering horrible comments like "useless, wrong, wrong again etc." By the time she had finished and handed me back my paper, I knew that I had failed. But the words she said next hurt me the most:
"You're never going to make a good teacher if you can't even pass a stupid Maths test."
2. Being trapped.
Me and a couple of friends were going to a new underground club and once we got in there was an option of 3 different rooms. We all separated and tried a room each. The first had lots of people naked but painted from head to foot in vibrant colours dancing in lines and lines so that there was just an army of people. The music was low and drummy and I decided the second I walked in that I didn't like it. I instantly walked straight back out and tried the next room. Unfortunately, this room was harder to escape from. Unlike the room before, these people were completely naked, but dirty and once again dancing in strict lines. Two people at the door shouted at me to strip and join the army of dancers where I located my friend. Trying not to cry, I took off my clothes and walked down the lines trying to find a spot. As I was walking, I saw people dressed as guards taking people out of the line and taking them to the back of the hall. I inconspicuously followed them and found them tying those people to the beds. Their screams and pleads were drowned out by the music but I connected eyes with one of them and saw the terror in them.
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Imagine this but completely naked and dirty as if they had been there for ages.. |
I knew I had to get out, and so I frantically tried to find a way out and much to my delight, I found an airvent that I prised open. The next thing I knew, my friend was beside me and we were butt naked crawling through the vent trying to run for our lives. The vent led to a corridor with multiple doors and we knew that we had to pick the right one to escape or we'd be dead. We went on the basis of ip, dip, do and pushed open the door to our delight at the sight of the entrance. Being completely naked, we ran for our lives and the first person we saw, we asked to borrow some clothes. Somehow, we jumped from borrowing clothes to being in a library and looking at some books. I don't know what, where or how this dream ever came to me but if it doesn't sound scary to you; believe me, it really was.
3. Crash
Hollie will hate me for telling this dream but here goes. Me and my friend from uni were walking back from the library having worked there for hours. It was torrential rain and hurricane like winds, and as we were walking, the sight of a huge plane was getting closer and closer to us before it smacked down in the middle of the road crashing. Both of us screamed and burst into tears looking if there were any survivors. Before we knew it, the plane had been lifted up off the ground by the wind and people were flung from the plane before it burst into flames in the sky. The last thing I saw before my friend dragged me away was a little boy rolling down a hill bleeding having been from the wreckage. Once we were back at her house, her housemates gave us a make-over and told us to go out.
The next thing I knew, my friend Steph was there telling me that I should go get my alcohol from the house and get drunk given it was my birthday. I was surrounded by people but I decided that it was time for a bath and so I got naked and got in a bath telling everyone to shut their eyes. But one guy didn't and he had a cheeky grin on his face and I was mortified. Whilst I was in the bath, people were handing me presents and I was opening them/thanking them etc. Weird. Then after, I went with Steph to try and find my house (it wasn't really a house but rather like halls in the middle of a science convention (WTF??)) but I didn't have any keys so I went to a foyer to find my housemates. They were watching a scary film and so I sneaked in and shouted BOO scaring the lot of them. My housemate turned out to be Alexander Skarsgard (Eric Northman from True Blood) and he gave me a cheeky smile and I swooned because I secretly love him.
Anyway, having the key, I went off to find my room (I'm also convinced we were together because it makes this story a whole lot better than it is) but no matter which corridor I went down, I couldn't find my room at all.
And I was so upset because I couldn't find my way home :( And then I awoke...
Any thoughts or am I just clearly mentally insane?
They scare me and I wonder what the heck is going on in my brain and subconscious to think up
such wild dreams... Never mind... Anyone wanna take me to a mental asylum?
Love to you all.
Hope you're enjoying your Tuesday
Nicole xxx
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