Saturday 6 April 2013


These are my ramblings where I am trying to find peace in a world where rhyme nor reason can explain the cruelty of reality. 
Late night submissions profiling my deepest, darkest thoughts in times where the harsh reality of life is inescapable and the feelings of life are too overwhelming to keep them lock inside my heart:

They say that the loss of someone close to you makes you a stronger person; a more appreciative person of life but the reality is that sometimes the loss of someone makes you lose an extra part of yourself that you need.  As human beings, through our existence we are constructed from compiling together pieces we acquire from others completing a 3D jigsaw of ourselves that we reflect to others. A loss and goodbye takes away one of those pieces leaving a gap of who we are that cannot be filled.
The age old quote of “what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger” resounds in your mind whenever you realise that you are facing the world one ally less than you were before. In a world where distrust; disharmony and destruction gains a higher precedence over solidarity and compassion, there has never been a greater time for the necessity of allies to support our meander through the place we call life.
Goodbyes are unavoidable, life is short and time runs out faster than we can ever begin to imagine. Blink for longer than a second and you’ll miss a great portion of the time we have on this Earth.

“Nothing keeps. There is one law in the universe: Now.” ~ Alfred Sutro

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