Tuesday 23 October 2012

Donating hair...

I feel in life I don't do enough things to help others when I can. I am a healthy (as far as I know), fit young woman who has ample opportunities in life for a bright future and yet I sit around and unintentionally, make myself oblivious to all the things I can do for other people that could mean everything to them. I have given blood once, and tried multiple times before but have either been ill on the day of my appointment or I've been lacking in iron but I always want and look for opportunities in when I can give blood again because it's important. I also want to be put on the bone marrow registry when I next give blood because I could be the difference between life and death for someone.

The point of this blog is the fact that I want to help people. I want to do everything I can in my power, with the limited talents I have. Thus, I have given blood, fun raised for charities and donated money. However small and insignificant they appear to be, I know that on some small level I am helping and that's all that matters. So I won't be the person to find the cure for cancer but does that mean we shouldn't try to do the things we can?

The recent thing I have been thinking about in order to help people in any way I can is to donate my hair to a charity that takes the hair and manufactures them into wigs for cancer sufferers. I take for granted the fact that I have lots of hair that grows quickly when I know some people would do anything for a head full of hair. However superficial I may sound, to females hair means a heck of a lot. I'm sure most women would agree that without their hair, they would feel less feminine. I think it's amazing for the women who embrace their lack of hair and I admire their strength and confidence but for other women losing their hair is a huge struggle. If I can do something to remedy that and put a smile on someone's face because of me simply cutting my hair, I want to do it.

I've been researching different charities for which I could send my hair to (when I get round to growing it to the stated length and getting it cut) and I am extremely for sending my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths due to the fact that they create wigs for women going through cancer treatment  In line with my previous blog about Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I think these women deserve to feel beautiful and I want to be able to help to make this happen because every woman deserves to feel like the most beautiful women in the world, every day.

I hope that my hair won't take much longer in growing and then I am more than determined to cut off 9 inches to send to charity. I hope I inspire some of you to take a look at the things you can do in your life for other people. But remember it doesn't have to be as big as donating your hair but the little things still mean as much. It's the thought that counts on the majority of things normal, everyday people can do.

If any of you want to read more about the charity and what happens to the donated hair- take a look at the link I have provided: http://www.pantene.com/en-US/PanteneBeautifulLengths/Details/beautiful-lengths-about-the-program.aspx

Have a wonderful Tuesday,

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