Tuesday 23 October 2012


My Mum always taught me that telling the truth is the best way to feel like a good person- honesty is the best policy and all that. "The truth will set you free", as the saying goes and although I haven't always told the truth, I still think that there's a valid point to take from this. Everyone in our lives have been hurt by someone we love/loved lying to us in a way that we thought was imaginable until the truth came out. I don't know why lying seems easier but it does.

I absolutely dislike, despise, loathe and HATE people that constantly lie to the people that they supposedly love. I mean, what's the point in telling someone that you care and love them if you know that behind that you're lying through your teeth? I think a few little white lies are necessary in life, and as long as they aren't big enough to hurt anyone, I don't see the problem in them. "I did my homework" or "I'm fine" type of lie where nobody is really going to get hurt but it's still not the truth and it's annoying but people get over it rather instantly. But when people lie and continue to lie; I don't understand it. Where is the conscience of people that make them feel guilty for hurting those around them? If you have to lie about something; just don't say anything about the topic you're intending to lie about- that means you don't have to tell the truth or make up a lie at all. It really is that simple to choose not to lie to people.

Lies hurt and once you lie once, you'll have to continue to lie again and again until it soon becomes a big web of lies. Stick to the truth, no matter how much trouble you might get into; there's nothing worse than lying, being found out and someone losing all their trust in you. Is a lie really worth potentially losing someone forever? That person will never look at you with the same unsuspicious and trusting eyes that did before. A lie takes a second to conjure up, but you have to live with the consequences for a heck of a lot longer. It's true that the truth hurts, but it's the lies that destroy people.

Be who you are, and be proud of that person you are because there are people in this world that need you, not your lies.

Just don't be a dick, okay?

As always a very chipper Nicole :)
P.S. I think I should allow for only one day of the week to be my vent/rant/moan segment or this will become overwhelmingly negative. Oh well, I'm pretty sure there's a life lesson in this one, somewhere.

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