Monday 15 October 2012

Night in...

I have just had one of the best days in a long while and I'm not sure why I feel like it has been such a good day but I felt like I needed to record and share the way I was feeling.

I started the day off with writing and I loved it- firstly, I wrote a blog, and then I wrote some more of my current story along with posting it online to hopefully get some feedback from other writers to encourage me to continue writing. It seems that I have gotten my writing bug back and I hope that it doesn't go away for a while because I simply love turning my thoughts into actual words that I can read back. It's one of the things I love the most- being able to relive the moments that spurred me to write. I never realise how much I miss the feeling of mindless writing until I get the inspiration to write again and in that moment of pure bliss whilst I'm writing, I can never believe that I forgot the magical way it felt.

And then I had a good physical, swimming session with my best friend, Charlotte and although I am not an exercise'y person; I managed to make myself proud with doing 42 lengths (again, not very impressive to normal people but if you know me; you'd understand this is extremely impressive and it's my sense of achievement that makes me proud of myself not anyone else's . Plus it was 2 more lengths than last time and it's all about the progress). And then I spent the rest of the afternoon with her trailing round Tesco, laughing, joking and just being me; one of the rare things that happens in life. I'm a very guarded person and although I let some people see the real me, it's rare that I find someone (beside my family) who I can 100% be myself all the time; warts (spots) and all.

Then, we spent the rest of the evening gorging on yummy pizza, chips and a doughnut whilst drinking a can of coke and a Rekorderlig cider watching Shutter Island all cosy in our onesie and duvet. I don't know about other people my age or those in their final year at uni, but there's something about a night in watching a film and eating takeaway that has become more appealing to me than going out and getting slaughtered from alcohol. Perhaps, I'm growing up or perhaps it's the fact that I've already done the partying that I can finally be happy with a simple night in with those I love. Either way, I am thinking that I need more days where the little things are the best things in the world. 

None of my activities today were particularly special or spectacular but it goes back to my quote from a previous blog which stated that the little things in life don't mean anything unless they're done with the people who mean everything and it's true; this day wouldn't have rated so highly to me if it was done with people that I am mere acquaintances with. 

It was the fact I did it with someone I love and am happy with.

Over and out for another night!

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