Friday 5 October 2012

From the heart...

Dear bloggers,

It's been a while since my last post but I spent most of the day today, as I normally do everyday, daydreaming about things that people say and do and assessing how truthful it is to real life. I think it's possible that I live 95% of my day inside of my own head surrounded by the world I have created for myself up there whereby the land isn't as confusing and complicated as real life seems to be. I have realised through my time on this Earth, a tender 19 years, that the things that we are supposed to feel aren't always necessarily the things that we should be proud of.

As a member of a society these days that is so caught up with doing as much as possible in as little time as possible that somewhere along the way of early primary and secondary socialisation, we were taught wrong, our minds have created a box where we have put all of our high expectations and shut them away after being supplied, by society and those around us, false facts that they are essentially unattainable and unachievable. We were made to believe that these "grow up fast" assumptions and oversimplified achievements in life were ones we should hold close to our hearts when in actual fact, I believe the things we oversee as the further from ordinary are those that we should be applauding. We were left with the view that we should follow the crowd and expect less from our lives. For me, I can't help but feel a sadness settle over me when I think of so many young children being brought up in a world where instant gratification is more valued than the hard work and overwhelming sense of pride for deferred gratification.

You can very much call me old fashioned and potentially a product of a past where I didn't quite fit in with the average kids at school; but just one of those extremely lowered expectations I was speaking of previously does centre around the notion of needing to be with someone for the sake of being with someone. I understand the pressures of peers to fit in with society around us, but that kind of social pressure to be normal has destroyed one of the most beautiful parts of the world we live in. This is by no means related to those that are with someone they love and care for very much but is directed at the teenagers who flit from "boy/girlfriend" to "boy/girlfriend" on a weekly basis. Gone are the days of finding someone to love forever, to give your whole self to like you've never before.

But most of all, and more generally, gone are the notions that if you wait, you aren't weird or not normal; you simply value, and place, your own happiness above everything else in life.

One of the things that inspired to write this blog today was my regular viewing time of social media that sparked my interest and got my creative juices flowing to create a single line that summed up everything I thought about life today according to this specific example/topic. And the line went a little like this:

"Staying with someone is not an achievement, but being able to make it on your own is the greatest achievement any one single human being can accomplish in life."

Regardless whether or not you choose to share my viewpoint or want to extensively criticise, and dissect my view into components and then single handedly point out the flaws; the only thing that matters is that in life you have your own opinion. It's one of the only things that isn't governed by someone else, nobody can tell you how you feel, or what to believe in unless you let them and it could one hundred per cent be considered magical that we have that- don't let someone rule your life any more than it legally and socially has to be.

That's all my brain can process for now, 
Until next time,
All my love and goodnight, Nicole
P.S. Because I'm feeling all philosophical and quote'y, here's another little pearl of wisdom that I want to bestow on each and every one of you.

"The little things in life don't mean anything unless they're done with the people that mean everything..."

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