Monday 26 May 2014

Bank Holiday Motivational Monday

This Monday is almost over but I'm pretty sure that today most people (if they weren't unfortunately working) didn't need anything to be motivated. The fact all of us got an extra day off means that there is nothing blue about this Monday. Especially with the grey clouds that have dominated the sky today. It's always raining on a bank holiday Monday- it's such a curse.

I thought I could continue with Motivational Monday though to give you all a little bit of preparation for tomorrow. It's only a 4 day week- wahey!
I don't think I ever got round to telling you all that I had my interview last Tuesday and I GOT THE JOB!!!!

After achieving my dream last week of finally securing myself a teaching job, I am more determined than ever to try and encourage people to follow their dreams and look forward to a future where they will be where they need to be!

When I started this journey of my PGCE in September, I had huge reservations about whether I was ready, whether I would be good and whether or not I would fail. It was such a big jump for me and it was so scary to think about all the responsibility that I was putting on my shoulders. I never imagined for me to be looking forward to a job in September the next year.

Unless you believe in your dream and invest in it, it will not land in your lap with a tidy bow on it. Life does not work like that. And even if you do invest everything that you have in your dream, it doesn't mean that it will come true. The combination of hope and determination will get you to where you need to be and believing in the beauty of your dreams and how they can come true is the very start to achieving it.
Have absolute faith in yourself, with not a shadow of a doubt of how brilliant you are. If you don't put yourself first and think yourself as brilliant, someone else will use you to get to their dream leaving you behind.

Follow your dreams and make sure you don't look back in 10 years time with the question of "what if?"

That is all. I hope you have all enjoyed your day off. I have been sat in bed reading and having Max cuddles- the best time ever if you ask me!


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