Tuesday 27 May 2014

Half Term Plans

This is my plan for half term and I'm looking forward to every second of it:

1. Catching up with friends.
I always get so busy when I'm trying to juggle being a full time teacher with the student duties of passing my course and so I neglect my social life choosing to go to sleep instead. I'm always too tired in the evenings to meet up with people and so half terms are the times that I want to catch up with all my friends and chill out doing things with them that make me so happy! I love my friends and love how understanding they are of how busy I am and ultimately how much of a shit friend I can be during placement.

2. Visiting Cardiff.
I have been trying to do this for months and whenever I have the time, something either comes up or I'm just too busy to warrant taking a couple days off doing nothing. I am also such an old lady that I have to weigh up whether I have enough time to recover from a night out before school starts again. I really miss Cardiff and wish multiple times during this course that I was back living there doing my undergrad course. I never realised how easy I had it back then with only doing 9 hours a week. Now, I do 9+ hours EVERY DAY!

3. Hanging out with Max.
I only ever get to see my beautiful nephew on the weekends when my sister brings him round. Bearing in mind that she comes round to my house every other day but she leaves by 4 and I'm never home by then. This half term means that I get to see him a lot more and he's growing so fast that I really don't want to miss a thing. He's too cute.

4. Doing nothing.
This is the part of half term that I love the most. I don't need to get up if I don't want to. I generally do but the beauty of half term is that I don't have to. I can stay in bed all day or lounge on the sofa taking naps or watching crappy TV until my heart is content. I do use these free times to catch up on reading that I never get to do anymore.

People say that teachers have it easy with the amount of time off they have but unless you are a teacher and appreciate how much work is put into teaching, not just at school but what we take home, I don't appreciate your opinion. It's not a job that you go to work to do and come home forgetting about it. It's a 24/7 job and a hard one at that.

I love you all. I hope you have a brilliant week. I know I will!!

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