Monday 5 May 2014

Inspiration To Be Happy

Being happy is something that is a big struggle in life. Happiness doesn't come to us all the time nor does it come at the time when we need it the most. It's not a secret to everyone that at this moment in time, I'm struggling to find happiness. And not the happiness that you fake when you're around people, nor the happiness that you fake when other's are down to put them first. I truly want to find happiness in life like I have known it before.

Life for me, at present, isn't easy. There are many 21 year olds that do not have to do the things I do and I feel jealous of those people. I envy those with happier lives than me and those with simpler lives. Those that only need to worry about what they're going to wear for a night out rather than worrying about whether plans can be made to go out, or whether people in the house are happy after a tough day. 

I can sum myself up in a couple of words but the three that stick out for me are student teacher, carer and counselor. Therefore, I need these inspiration quotes more than I need to be written this blog to you. I just want to be happy.

Life is hard. What is considered hard is relative- I know that my life is not hard compared to some people, but I also know that my life is harder than other people.

I need to find a way to be happy without pushing my emotions aside.

Any ideas and tips to being happy, please let me know before I go under!

I love you all,


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