Monday 19 May 2014

Motivational Monday #48

Another week beginning and another motivational Monday. I seriously think that these blogs are my therapy. Whenever I'm feeling something other than excitement or happiness, I always come to splurge my feeling son here. It's like my diary but with people listening when I don't really want to talk to anyone. It's a win win situation.

This week is going to be one of the most emotional, stressful and taxing weeks that I have had in a very long time. Not only will I continue teaching full time, I have an assignment due and two assignments handed back to me. I never do well on assignments and I just want to pass them.

I'm so very scared of this week and it makes me not want to start it. I could have stayed in bed all day today trying to forget that this week is such a big week for me. The feeling of sickness has stayed in my stomach since yesterday evening at just the thought that Monday was coming. And when Monday comes, the week starts and you can't stop it!
I have been absolutely petrified of a lot of experiences I have had in my life and most of them come from being in Uni and stretching myself to the limit. The most scared I've ever been has come from this course- meeting new people and facing my fears of standing up in front of a lot of people and being watched by many people in the process.

Even if you are scared, that doesn't mean you are weak, it means that you have courage. If you slink back from your scared, I would say that is running and being weak. But if you are scared and still hold your head up high to face it, that's courage and you're one of the strongest people out there.

I don't want to face my scared feelings this week but I know that I will. I know that I will walk into my classroom with a confident facade even though the rest of the week is terrifying me. I also know that I will face any experience head on if it comes to me.

I hope you are feeling strong this week no matter what you have planned. Make sure you face your fears and find that inner courage to be scared but saddle up anyway.

I love you all.
Have a brilliant day and leave me a comment below telling me if you're scared of anything this week!

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