Thursday 5 February 2015

Day #7 of 30 Day Challenge

Day #7: A photo of someone you love.
I chose this picture because it's one of the only pictures that I have of me with both of my parents. I love them to pieces but in light of what happened recently, I wanted to share how much I do love my Dad. He has always been the strong one in the family, the one that never lets anything get to him. He is one of the biggest rocks of our family!

Last week (Wednesday) I woke up at 5:30 upon hearing my Mum on the phone to the ambulance. I knew that straight away that life wasn't always going to be as it once was anymore! Cutting a long story short, I watched my Dad have a small heart attack that morning in my living room just before I went to work. He got taken off to hospital in an ambulance where he ended up having another heart attack. I decided that I was going to work because I couldn't stand waiting around thinking about it. My sister rang up my school and they came and got me from teaching to tell me that Dad had had a heart attack and he was rushed into surgery. He got a stent put in to open up the blockage in his artery due to a blood clot from stress.

It was scary as anything and I've never wished for anything more in my life than for him to be okay. The next day he had two more stents in and we were told of how lucky he was to have got to the hospital in time. We were so close to losing my Dad if he had waited any longer. He came home last Friday and has been fine ever since but it has made me realise how fragile life is.

He was close to not being here and I don't know what I would've done if he had died. I can't imagine my life without either of these two people in nor the rest of my family. It makes me want to tell people and children that moan about their parents to appreciate them a bit more because it's cliche but you really don't know how fragile life is or how quickly life can be taken away from you! I'm so glad that my Dad is okay!

I love my family so much and so yeah, that is the story behind this picture today!

Have a lovely day

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