Monday 8 July 2013

Motivational Monday #12

We're back to our usual scheduling of Motivational Monday. Today, I am spending the day and in fact the week, at my old primary school volunteering in classrooms to prepare myself for my upcoming PGCE course. I love being involved with children and love how rewarding the job can be. Given the fact it is sunny, I know I'm going to enjoy my time but hopefully not get too hot... 
Anyway, off the subject, let's get on with this.
Right, let's begin this week on a high. As many of you know, or should know, Andy Murray achieved his dream yesterday by winning the coveted championship Wimbledon in front of his adoring fans and family. Watching him as he won that final point for the game, and ultimately the set, I could feel the pride inside of me as I realised that we just watched a defining moment in that man's life. It's rare that we reach our dream, especially that of when we were a child. But from a tender young age, he trained and trained his butt off to become one of the best in attempts to reach his dream. I admire greatly his dedication and the sheer lengths he went to for his dream. I hope that one day I will have one of those moments where I know I have reached my dreams.
But, when we're young, we have so many ideas about what we want to do/be and our dreams for life. They change as we change and even when we get older, we will change and alter our dreams according to what happens. It's not a bad thing to change your dream, as long as you have another to motivate you in life. There's never going to be an ideal world where you have everything you want, but there's nothing wrong with setting a dream and doing everything in your power to strive towards reaching it. My dream recently was getting a 2:1 in my University degree and I reached that. Now my dream is to finish my PGCE course and become a teacher. That dream is one that I've had since I was very young and I know the day I become a newly qualified teacher, I'll be very proud. But at the end, I'll set a new dream.

You don't just have to have one dream either, lots of little dreams and goals help us go through the motions and motivate us from day to day. You can't reach the big dreams if you only see the end result. You need little goals to fulfil to give you the strength and encouragement to carry on. There's never a too late of a time to make new dreams, or to alter old ones. We are not a static being, we constantly change, age and grow and so why should we ever believe that our dreams should be static and set? If you want to be a doctor at 14 but then change your mind and want to work with animals at 16, it's as easy as changing your dreams to fit who you are. You are the pilot of your own life. If you're 50 and have always wanted to be a write, do it. If you're 70 and have always wanted to fly to Africa, do it. You're never too old, or too young for that matter, to make dreams or set new dreams.
Your life is only yours if you make the decisions to live it to the fullest. And living life to the fullest includes setting dreams that may seem wildly unattainable, but if you don't try, how do you know? As people say in a less eloquent way, you only get one life and once your time is up, you can't cash in all your good deeds to get another second on this Earth. It's such a cruel realisation but that's why you have to set dreams and do everything to reach them. Don't waste your time wishing you were doing something, get out there and do it. Make it happen. Make your life the way you dream it to be.
It's not easy but it'd be worth it. You just have to be brave, get out your comfort zone, set your dreams and just fly.

I'm working towards my dream of becoming a teacher, what are you dreams? Let me know. 

I know that I am neglecting one of my dreams and that is to become a writer. For some reason I have massive writer's block with something that is just stopping me from writing. I don't know what it is but I'm desperately wanting to get back my mojo so that I can get better to try and achieve that dream. Don't neglect your life.

I love you all, I hope you enjoy the weather and I shall see you tomorrow!


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