Monday 22 July 2013

Motivational Monday #14

Even a sick girl who is feeling sorry for herself can churn out a Motivational Monday...
I think this one is more for me than anyone else. Life is hard, cruel and there are times that we feel like we are going through the worst times in our lives. We also can't imagine anyone else sharing our pain and our loneliness; we feel completely and utterly disconnected for the world and the people around us. We also only see the happy sides of other people's lives and we can't help but be jealous for the fact something is going well for someone else. At the moment, I feel lonely and I feel annoyed with life. At the moment, everyone around me is feeling the strain of life and it's hard to keep your spirits up when everything around you just pulls you down.

But despite everything that goes on, there is one thing that we all need to remember in terms of life. We are not alone. We are not alone, physically but we are also not alone in the way we think or the way we feel. There is someone else out there experiencing what we are, and sometimes experiencing things worse than us. That doesn't meant what you're feeling is nothing or is not important but it may bring you comfort to know that you aren't alone and different. People in the past have felt the way we have, and people in the future will. It's not wrong to feel the way we do sometimes because that's the gift that God gave us. He gave us the ability to feel and to hurt. But it's wrong to believe that you are alone and to let that add on top of your worries.

You're never alone.

I'm never alone.

There is always someone to talk to, and there is always someone that can lighten your mood if you just let them. Let them in your heart and let them see your darkest days. They might just be the light that guides you back to who you were before.

Stay strong everyone and remember that you are not alone, and if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here.

I love you lots,

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