Tuesday 2 July 2013

Motivational Tuesday? #11

Well, this is a change to the normal schedule- trying to keep things exciting...
We're at that time in our lives (or at least I am) where every decision we make is crucial, and every grade we get is life-changing. For everyone like me who has finished their degree at uni or even finished a first year/second year in High School etc, the fear of receiving a grade is overwhelming and it feels as if your whole world depends on getting a first or a 2:1 or even an A or B in a particular class. The most pressure that is in our lives is the pressure that we put on ourselves. I've done it plenty of times myself, in the past 3 years in particular, and it doesn't help you in the slightest. In fact, the perceived pressure you tell yourself only serves to make your life less happy. You think that you're going to be seen as a failure and people won't be proud of you but the exact opposite is reality. Everyone, in whatever you do, is super duper proud of you and you should realise that.

Back to my motivational point, if for whatever reason you get your grades back this summer for your GCSEs/A levels/yearly module marks or your overall degree grade and it isn't what you wanted or needed, don't be disheartened. The worst thing you can do is look at it, feel discouraged and give up. The beauty of life is that you don't get do-overs for things that have already happened but you do get second chances and third chances etc. Whatever happens this summer in terms of grades or expectations, that's not the end of the world. Plenty of unis take people who don't achieve the expected grades, for example, which is a mighty good example for explaining my point about when you think one door has closed and it's impossible to open, another one opens. Just because your plan didn't go exactly the way you thought it would, doesn't mean you won't get to where you want to be in life another way.
Life isn't something that is static and nor is it a single journey with one specific destination. There are so many different options and routes that will take you to your dream. Life is like the 400 metres hurdles- if you're kicked down and give up at the first hurdle, you're never going to reach the finish line. But if you take each hurdle as it comes and move on from the fact that you fell over the first one but you got back up and carried on, you'll get to the finish line where you want to be. Granted, the race wasn't the way you predicted it would go in the morning but you got to the end and it doesn't matter about everyone else. In an actual hurdles race, coming first would be the end result but if we are using the analogy for life, the finish line is just the dream- you need to focus on your own dreams and the way you can get there rather than worrying about anyone else.
You can reach your full potential if you just put the work in and never give up. Don't look at the closed door in front of you as the end, look for another door that will continue your journey forward. I wish everyone luck in their results and hope they get/got everything they wanted but if not, don't forget that there's a door that will take you to where you want to go if you just believe and put the work in.
I love you all, and hope I've bestowed a little bit of motivation to your day this Tuesday- Motivational Monday will be back as usual next week.

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