Tuesday 23 July 2013

Top Tips on How to Stay Cool

With the weather being unusually hot, there is a desperate need for us to stay cool and an inability to bring down our core temperature. It's one of those things that really rifles us up because we moan all the time that the sun doesn't come out and when it does, we moan that we are too hot and sticky. It's never a win-win situation for us picky people. But, if you know all the top tricks to keep cool, you'll be able to survive the weather.
Considering yesterday was the hottest day for seven years, I'd say we're not used to the weather and need all the tips we can to stay cool.

1. Firstly, if there is a fan in your house, turn it on. 
There's no use being unnecessarily warm. Even though sometimes a fan just circulates the hot air, it does give you a little bit of a release when the cold air hits your face. It's a lot better than sitting there sweating. Most of us in the UK do not have air conditioning because it would not be used enough and so we have to suffer in a house unless we purchase fans. So get yourself a fan!
2. If you are outside, wear light, loose-fitting clothing, both in weight and in colours. 
It is notorious that the colour black and subsequent dark colours trap the heat inside only making you even hotter. So dig out the whites and pale colours, and if you can get away with shorts at work; wear them! Also, cotton is meant to be cooler than many synthetic fabrics- so get your cotton on.

3. If you take a bottle of drink to work, put it in the freezer over night which will ultimately make your drink in ice. 
Over the course of the day, it'll slowly melt whilst keeping your drink refreshingly cold.
4. At night, if you can't sleep, use a cold flannel to wet your forehead and neck as well as sleeping on as little material as possible. 
Duvets are definitely not advisable and if you can, sleeping in the buff is even better. The less clothing you have, the cooler you should be. So get rid of all those comfort blankets.
5. Wear soaking wet socks.
Me and my sister did this one holiday when we couldn't sleep and I don't think it's very scientific, but it managed to get us off to sleep comfortably; . I think there's something about feeling the coldness on your feet and ankles that make you cool down and forget the heat for a little while so you can drift off into sleep. Let me know if you try it and if it works for you!

6. Another very important thing to remember is that cooling down your wrists will instantly make you feel a little colder. 
And so if you have the chance to, run your wrists under some cold water for a little bit and it should lower your temperature for a little while. It would be perfect if you could do this all the time but you may risk peeing yourself. 

7. Don't get yourself in a big tissy. 
The more you stress and worry about being hot, the more you'll think about it. The mind is a wonderfully powerful thing and if you just channel your mind onto something other than the unbearable heat, it may be that you can get through the day with as little discomfort as possible.

8. One of the most important advisories I can give you is to drink lots of water: you need to stay hydrated in this weather.
Be safe!


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