Sunday, 31 March 2013

Happy Easter Everyone!

Happy Easter everyone! 

I hope you all have a lovely day and spend lots of time with your family. Easter is based on the happiness that Jesus' family felt when he resurrected 3 days after he died. Remember that the holiday was centred around the loss of a loved one and the revelation that he had come back. Be thankful for your wonderful family around you at this time and don't become angry at fact you didn't get enough Easter eggs or you didn't get what you wanted- life is too short to be annoyed with the people you love.

Gorge on your chocolate but don't make yourself sick.
I hope you all enjoy the day, smile lots and remember Jesus today, even if it's just for a second.

Love to you all,
The Easter cupcakes that I baked yesterday

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Cats and Dogs

Since the devastating loss in my family, we have adopted my Granddad's dogs to make sure they are well looked after and stay in the family where they belong. We will be looking after them during the week and when my Uncle comes back from working away from home, he will take them for the weekend.
When I peer into the eyes of my Nan and Granddad's dogs, I can't help but see them looking back at me and it breaks my heart. It's such a bittersweet moment knowing that I can see them and remember all the wonderfully happy memories but I also see the loss that we have suffered. I'm glad we can offer a loving home for them and we get to have a little piece of our lost loved ones with us.

The trouble is that we have cats... Our cats are definitely a little scared of the dogs and haven't quite yet overcome their fear. Ebony is a little brave kitty and has come down multiple times in the same room as them to see what is going on but he doesn't stay long nor does he get up too close. Skye, on the other hand, keeps himself confined to Joanne's room. We've taken a big step because now he isn't cowering away in the corner underneath her bed but we hardly see him. He has come down once or twice so we hope that he will get better over time.

I think given time, they will get used to one another and be able to live together quite happily without too much trouble. Either way, we can't get rid of our cats nor could we ever get rid of the dogs- so it has to work out.

Does anyone have any tips on integrating dogs into a cat household? If you do, could you let me know please. I'm open to any and every trick you have to help them get alone in this tricky, and sad circumstance.


Friday, 29 March 2013

Good Friday

Happy Good Friday everyone.

Good Friday is the celebration to commemorate the death of Jesus- the day he was crucified as the saviour of all mankind. It is the day that my Mum demands us all to eat fish and no other meat.

For my family, there isn't much tradition in terms of Good Friday due to the fact that we aren't religious and therefore don't go to the church. Although, we do make these days family days where we all spend them together and are thankful for how lucky we are to be together.

This year will be a less of a celebration given the circumstances but a family day nevertheless.

Hope you all have a good Good Friday and think about the meaning of Easter regardless if you're religious or not.


Thursday, 28 March 2013

Big Family

If you guys don't know me already, I have 4 sisters and one brother making a total of 6 children in my family. Both of my parents are together resulting in a grand total of 8 people in my family. That's a big family even for me to say. Over the years, it has become normal to have so many people in my family and generally I don't even realise how big we are until I tell other people and their mouths form a big o to match their surprised faces.

Nowadays, most people have 1 or 2 brothers or sisters with generally a max of perhaps 3 and sometimes even 4. It's very rare to have such a big family, and I'm not sure I've met many people with the amount of siblings that I do. As with anything there are some positives and negatives of having such a large family with so many siblings. I thought for everyone who has 1 or 2 brothers or sisters, I would enlighten you on the joys and lows of having so many siblings in this blog:

 You're never lonely
Whenever we were kids, there was never a time when we didn't have someone to play with. There was always someone and I loved that. Although children are quite happy to play by themselves most times and have a hard time sharing, it's nice to know that there is always someone there for you whenever you need them. I think this is probably one of the biggest benefits when children are little.

♥ Being left out
It's a/was a very prevalent feature of our family for many of years, especially around the teenage years and still a problem now to an extent. The trouble with having so many children is that someone will be left out. Not everyone can be given the same attention and so it causes a LOT of tension in the house when one person feels like they are forgotten about which results in feeling unloved or uncared about. I can say this now, hand on my heart, every single one of us children in my family have felt that; whether it was 5 years ago, last year, last month or even last week. It's a fact of life; not everyone can be equal at the same time.

 They become your friends
This is going to sound cheesy and perhaps this only works because my siblings and I are all only a year apart so our age differences are very limited but the older we got, the closer we got. To the point that nowadays, I feel like my siblings are some of my best friends. We spend time together, go to the cinema, go out drinking and we actively choose to be around one another. There's a hairy part in growing up between the "never lonely" stage and the "becoming friends" stage where having so many siblings is such a pain and you want your own space to sculpture your own identity- it's not all fun and games.
These are just three of the many positives/negatives of having a big family and I could go on but whilst I know this blog would end up being a foot long if I did. The fact is that sometimes money is scarce, attention to each child is limited, parents have a stressful/difficult time raising children but isn't that with every family? If you can afford children, and have enough love and want for a big family- the positives outweigh the negatives. It's when parents have babies and don't look after all their children leaving their older children to take care of the younger ones.

My Mum was a machine when she brought us up; and I don't feel like she left my elder siblings to look after the younger ones beyond the occasional babysitting and even then I vividly remember my Nan being the main person to babysit us. Perhaps I have a warped idea of my childhood but I don't feel like having a big family was detrimental to me in anyway. It was a tough time to find who I was aside from the generic identity of the family but it's made me who I am today. Being in a big family made me stronger in the sense of being heard and understanding that I can't be centre of attention.

I think I'm much more laid back and chilled because of the fact I don't need to be centre of attention, but I do like to be ;)


Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Unavoidable in life...

To love as intensely as we do in life, there has to be a time where we lose people we love otherwise love wouldn't exist in our life. Without the loss of the people we love, love wouldn't be as magical, beautiful and amazing as it is. The loss feels overwhelming and like we could never be whole again, but in the grand scheme of things, if we eradicated loss, we would eradicate love. And what would a life be without everyone if we didn't love them?

The tears we shed are a constant reminder of the love we have of the people that we lose. The tears are pure love, every tear shed is love shown. Hurt lasts a second when we put it next to how long love lasts. It lasts a lifetime whether the people we love are physically there or no longer with us.

It's true when they say that love never dies, it continues beyond time and space.

Every tear represents a beloved memory remembered, a lifetime of love and a bucket full of longing and missing.

Another loss equates to another star in the sky watching over me.

Love you Grandad- go dancing again with Nan in the clouds.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Pah Spring... Yeah Right

It officially became spring the other day and it officially still feels like winter...

The weather is a paradox that likes to mess with us all. I hate that there isn't an option to make this look like it was said in a singing voice- because it totally was said/sung that way in my head.

I like snow, and the cold. I do. I love being able to be all warm and snugly in houses without having to go outside. But more often than not, you have to go outside and your whole face practically gets frozen in one position from how cold it is. Bitterly cold winds, my favourite!

Apparently, according to the weather experts, for the rest of this month, we are having cold, wintry like weather and it's almost April. What is up with that?

How many times have you heard people moan about the weather? Aren't you so glad that you get to read my blog and hear yet another person moaning about it. If I'm anything, it's consistent. ;)

I just want a little bit of sunshine in my life.
This time last year we were having a glorious time with the sunshine, and now with such a stark contrast; I'm pretty sure the sun has run off to elope with the moon and is currently on their honeymoon leaving us with the cold weather...

So, weather Gods way up there in the clouds; quit with your snow flurries and give me some sun rays. Okay?


Monday, 25 March 2013

Housewife Ryan

Given the circumstances that require my Mum to be away from home and at the hospital most hours of the day, it has fallen to us kids to keep the house running and my Mum fed and well. Between me and my sister, we have managed to feed my Mum in the hours she is home, make dinner for everyone else and keep the house clean. 

Sneakily, I cooked bacon yesterday and cooked more than was necessary in order to say "there's some leftover bacon if you want it" knowing that if food is there and cooked, my Mum will eat it.

Yesterday morning, I even took my dad food shopping to give my Mum less to do when she has a break from hospital duty. The situation is such a difficult thing because most of the time we all feel useless, but doing my little things around the house make me feel like I'm doing something helpful. 

I can't change my aunt's or my grandad's health but the one thing I can do is make life for my Mum a little easier. Even if that means making dinner for 7 people every night, or cleaning the house or taking my grandad's dogs for a walk.
If I can do my part, I'm hoping that the world will be nicer for us and give us all a break by making my family better and home.

Have a good Monday everyone, tell the people around you that you love them because life is precious!

Sunday, 24 March 2013


Everyone has fears. It's unavoidable. There's small things that people are scared of, and then there's big, paralysing fears that interrupts people's lives. 

For me, I have a mixture of the two. I don't have a fear of small spaces or fear of the outside that regularly impacts on my life but I do have big fears that means I do certain things in my life. For you today, I thought I would give you an insight into a few of my fears- ranging from the small, to the huge. So here goes:

I don't like little small money spiders, I don't like long legged spiders and I definitely don't like huge, hairy spiders. If I see a spider, I will either scream for someone to come get it or spend a couple of minutes working up the courage to take my shoe and squish the little bugger. I would put a picture up of a spider, but I am scared of them and would hate my own blog...

I have a very small fear of heights. Whenever I walk up on a ladder, my legs shake a little and I get a little scared- especially if I look down. The funny thing is that I have been up a mountain before and I've looked over the edge with this fear so it definitely doesn't stop me from living my life.
It's not natural. I don't mind when the plane is stable in the sky reaching its ultimate height, but the take off freaks me the hell out. I don't like feeling of the initial lift off the floor knowing that there is a chance of us plunging to our death... I'm getting better than before; I promise.
 Losing people I love
This is a fear that most people possess, especially those who have family that are super close to them but it makes me really fearful of arguments and confrontation. I don't like the thought of arguing with someone I love and leaving bad words between us in case something happens and those are the last words I say to them. I fear this so much that I end up being extremely apologetic to people and worry too much. 
 Not being good enough
This is potentially my biggest fear of all time. I don't know where this stemmed from but no matter what I've achieved in my life; I never feel good enough. I don't feel good enough in terms of academic success, in terms of worthiness in family and especially in terms of romantic relationships. It's a stupid fear to have because I know that I am good enough, I've achieved lots and I've got a great family that are proud of me but it's one of those fears that no matter what you know- you can't really stop the feelings encompassing you.
What are your fears? I want to know your big fears too, not just your small ones. I think the more we know about our fears, the more we can try and change them. Some are rational and make sense and some are irrational with no sense attached to them- either way fear is a very powerful thing to humans. 

We should all take small steps everyday to overcoming our fears.


Saturday, 23 March 2013

The Script #3

I believe my exact words after The Script #3 tour were:

Starstruck. Dumbfounded. Speechless. Amazing. Spectacular. Just wow!
I loved it so damn much, it was unbelievable. 4 years ago, we went to their very first tour in Shepherd's Bush and yesterday we went to their very first concert in o2 arena. And boy, did they amaze us all? 
The whole of o2 arena was full to the brim of people, all the seats ended up being full and the middle part saw hundreds of people squished in just to catch a glimpse of the band and listen to the sweet sound of their voices.

Their voices alone are enough to tantalise thousands of people without all the dramatics of the lighting effects and the atmosphere of the fans. 
My smiles throughout the show were as big as anything from hearing the reasons for their songs to my own memories of the songs. I even had tears in my eyes when they sung "If you could see me now". Simply beautiful.
I have to say right this second that The Script is my favourite band at the moment. There, I've said it. They are amazing live and if you love their music- don't hesitate to go and see them because they aren't one of these Hollywood signed artists that can't sing for shit. Their talent is beyond most singers.

Love it!

Oh and the company wasn't too bad ;) Love you Hollie! <3

Friday, 22 March 2013

The Script!

Today is the day that I have been waiting for for months. It's the event that has kept me going through the long days of assignment writing knowing that soon, it would come around and get to spend the night with one of my best friends and our lover...

It's time to go see The Script again, after 4 years.
I'm so excited. 

Hollie had her outfit planned weeks ago... I am still undecided on what I'm going to wear. You can tell which one of us is more organised.


I shall give you my verdict on them tomorrow but I can already predict that they are going to be abso-fucking-lutely ah-may-zing!


Thursday, 21 March 2013

One Day

Today is the day where ultimate excitement takes place, I am excited for 3 reasons going from least to most excited for today...

1. My assignments were handed in and out of the way! I love the feeling of relief knowing that you have handed them in on time and that they no longer have to stress you out. We wont' talk about the worry that I also feel on these days haha!

2. The Script is just one day away and I can't wait to go and see them again. We booked the tickets many moons ago and now it's finally just round the corner. One more sleep and then I will be buzzing waiting for Danny to come on the stage and serenade me with his beautiful voice ;)

3. I'm going home! It's been a long week and a half since I came back to uni and this day can't have come round any sooner. I know I've made a big deal about missing my family and just wanting to be at home for this time in my life- but I really love my family and I need to be with them. And I get to be- I'm beyond happy!

What a marvellous Thursday this is turning out to be :D

See you cool cats tomorrow! Have a great, excitable day

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Sides of Nicole

To every person, there are many sides of them that get shown at certain times. I have been thinking about these recently, and I would like to share with you some of my findings about the different sides to Nicole:

 Nerdy side
First and foremost, I am a nerd; always have been and always will be. I like to learn new things and to apply myself academically. The one thing I can't do is sit back and let myself fail- I can't. I think most of me was born to be a student...
 Drunk side
Most people, especially from school who only saw nerdy side, didn't expect me to be *quite* the little drinker that I am. It always surprises people when they see me drunk because they never really put the two sides of Nicole together. If there's one thing that I love the most it's surprising people by what I do.
 Caring/over-emotional side
I am known for my caring nature, and my ability to help anyone and everyone that comes to me with their problems. If there ever were a person that would help a disease ridden pigeon, or cry at animals getting hurt, it is me. I have an innate disposition to be the over-emotional, caring soul that potentially annoys everyone by how baby'ish I talk to children/pets. I can't help it.
 Stubborn/Sore loser side
This is a little contradictive, but I love to win and if I don't win, I will throw a tantrum. Nothing wrong with needing to be right all the time and exercising a little bit of a force to make people admit that I'm right. I realise these make me appear to have an alter-ego between my nerdy/caring side and my drunk/stubborn side. Oh never mind, it's me.
 Hopeless romantic/idealist
One of the biggest compliments(?) I receive in my life is that I always try and look on the bright side of things, and look for the best in any person. I think that I have a warped idea of life and the fact that everything will turn out okay in the end- as if the happy ever after is achievable. I don't think this is necessarily the worst way to think in the world, but it definitely isn't the smartest way. I set myself up for disappointment...

I hope this little insight into the different sides of Nicole hasn't put you off me as a person but has made you feel a little bit better about the sides of you that you potentially don't like too much? And if not, at least you know a little more about me than you did before.

Have a fantastic day :)

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Impossible

When the news of the Indian tsunami in 2004, Boxing Day, that caused great loss and devastation hit the screens of our homes, everyone was shocked to the very core. Before that, I don't think I had ever really heard of a tsunami and so it felt like a dream watching the reporting of the wall of water that crushed so many people's lives.
The film, The Impossible, is a Spanish directed film that maps the true story of a family who survived the tsunami. From the very beginning, you know what is going to happen and it's tense just anticipating when the disaster will strike. From the get go, you feel a sense of loyalty and dread fill your body as you peer upon the family with the knowledge in the back of your mind that this happened to so many people. I think knowing that it is based on a true story is what makes a film so amazing- and every other true story based film I have watched has moved me to the core.
So many times during the film I caught myself gasping and catching my breath whilst exhaling a "no" to the screen. As the film progresses, the more the emotion is stacked up inside of you and I can admit that there were multiple times when I wanted to cry. 

It was a beautiful masterpiece that tracked the emotional desperation of families trying to reunite with their loved ones. 

It made me feel lucky for my comfortable life where little disaster in comparison has happened to me.
If you enjoy the films that make you think, make you feel intensely, I highly recommend the glorious acting of Naomi Watts that brings to life how strong the love of a mother is and how far a person would go in extreme situations for the people they love.

Positively beautiful and excellent acting from Tom Holland, such a young actor with great talent and a very bright future that managed to capture the moments of terror of a child being thrust into adulthood in such circumstance and bring them to life in spectacular ways. Brilliance at its best.
I loved it, if you couldn't already guess

Monday, 18 March 2013

Feeling Useless

You know those little lost children in the shopping centre that walk around scanning the shops for their Mum whilst trying to smile at people in order to show them that they aren't lost and to stop themselves from crying. 

I feel like that.

Since coming back to Uni, I've tried to smile at people and keep happy but the fact is I just wanna be at home. I know at home, I'd be the exact same helpfulness as I am now- useless, but at least I'd be with my family. Right now, although people are trying to be supportive, they don't understand and it takes so much to be around people who are trigger happy.

Some may call me melodramatic and I wouldn't give a damn if they did because unless you're me, you couldn't know how I feel.

3 more days and then I can travel home.

I feel useless with this situation and I hate it. If you know me, you know that I'm a fixer. I'm a fixer and an agony aunt and yet I can be neither for this. I can't fix health and I can't be an agony aunt when every situation that arises, I just want to cry.

I apologise for being dreary Deirdre today but it's the way I feel right now.

I'll be back tomorrow with a happy blog, I promise :) I hope you all have a wonderful and fantastic Monday. Smile through that Monday feeling guys!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Sunday Bum-Day!

From 17th March 2013, I now declare Sunday to be renamed to be Sunday Bum-Day.

The rules of this sacred day shall be as follow:

 One shall not leave their bed before 12AM at the very earliest.
♥ One shall not do anything strenuous, both physical or mental.
  One shall forget about making themselves look presentable and stay in their pyjamas all day. So what if you end up looking like a boy? It's not called Sunday Bum-Day for nothing!
  One shall go the whole day "sans make-up" 

  One shall eat whatever they want without feeling guilty or needing to eat healthy.
  It's okay if you fall asleep halfway through the day, you deserve that nap!
 One shall watch a film or read in a book without thinking about the week ahead- it's Sunday Bum-Day;  a day spent without worries.

I hope everyone adopts these laws and plays by the rules of Sunday Bum-Day and if not, a grave punishment will be issued to you!


Saturday, 16 March 2013

Language Disorders

This may seem like common sense to a lot of you and you'll sit there asking me why I've dedicated a blog to this but how many of you have really thought about it? So bear with me whilst I organise my thoughts together.

Being deaf has its obvious impact on language by the fact our language system, and most others, was initially a spoken/heard language until printing systems were introduced and the new skill of writing was developed. Now, that's common sense and I know most of you already know that and are looking at your computer screen right now thinking "really, Nicole?"
But what about blind people?

Would you have guessed that blind people have language problems aside from the obvious lack of vision that makes reading and writing in the typical way impossible?

If you think about life and as a baby, the most important way a child learns is by exploring, seeing and asking questions about the objects in their environment. A blind child from birth does not have that ability. The first words a child learns are labels for objects, and if a child can't see those objects, how are they meant to attribute labels to them? As time goes on, a blind child learns through touching what things are around in our environment but it makes it a lot harder and slower for them to acquire language the way you and I do. They can't just go up and explore the world without someone else there. What they learn has to be in their immediate environment for them to touch. 
Look around you right now and see what is in reaching distance and think about how difficult it would be to learn language solely through having contact with things...

Furthermore, what about non-verbal cues? Most of us hate talking on the telephone because we don't have the ability to see the person's facial features and to pick up all the information about people from body language etc. A lot of information is taken from this and so ultimately, it would result in a blind child/adult from missing out on this and having detrimental effects on their language learning. 

Of course for blind people, their disorder or problems with language is only a matter of delay- meaning they acquire language the same way but at a lot slower pace and the task is much harder. Their language is not deviant (wildly different to a typical person), just delayed.

I don't know about you, but I always seem to forget these small details whenever I think about people who have a language disorder, or any disorder for that matter. It makes me feel incredibly selfish to not have paid more attention but until things are pointed out to us, we go by our life without really paying attention. We're human.

It's interesting and I feel like from my Communication Disorders module that I'm seeing things from a different perspective. I'm becoming more aware about people in this world that aren't typical in their development.


Friday, 15 March 2013

End of an Era

For the most part, MSN was long gone from most people's lives in about 2006-2010. But for me and my group of friends, we have kept the love of MSN and continued to use it. It became out thing where we hung out online knowing that nobody else really used it anymore. It was our thing that made us quirky and cool in our own special way. 

So, you can imagine how gutted we were when we were told that MSN was closing down to merge with Skype. And today is the day that it finally come to put our baby to rest. 

It's an end of an era for us and although we have other ways that we communicate, obviously; MSN was a very big part of my childhood and even now staying in contact with each other whilst we were at uni.

All good things must come to an end and I know most of you right now are reading this thinking about your MSN days and hopefully you have good memories attached to the programme that brought so many teenagers together online. It is definitely part of every young person's past regardless whether you used it for a week, a month or a year. It revolutionised what people did online and reformulated the ideas of conversation and friendship.

MSN is and always will be my favourite way to communicate with my friends, it became our kind of communication  But unfortunately  on this day, we must bid is farewell and thank it for all the nights it kept me company. I will miss it.

RIP MSN, you served us well! 1999-2013. 13 years of Instant Messaging...


Thursday, 14 March 2013

Student Problems

The awkward moment you come home from Uni with good intentions of doing lots of work, and writing a blog post that's exciting and educational that will showcase the smart side of my personality and then you get home, and nap...
What is my life?

This house is cold, so my go to move whenever I get home is to get in bed and get nice and warm. Generally speaking, this is recipe for disaster. If I want to do work, I have to stay at my desk until it's done and then get in bed. But today, the appeal of napping was just too high and my willpower much too low.

Do I feel guilty? No.

I love a cheeky nap and sometimes you just have to forget life for a couple of hours to get some shut eye.

Am I going to attempt work now? Yes.

Will I succeed? Who the fuck knows! :P

From a well rested, slightly groggy Nicole.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

The Script

I'm so excited!

My very first (and only) live concert I've been to was The Script back in 2009 and in a week and 2 days, I get to go see them again and I can't wait.

Every single one of their songs (old) has a memory attached to them since I was about 15-16 and I absolutely love their music. Some people may hate it because it's not their style, but I am in love with their tone of voice as well as how meaningful the lyrics are. I am not a fan of songs that talk about random, meaningless crap for the sake of making a song to make money. Great songwriters write music that is meaningful, that has come from the heart and I love that.

I also love how you can listen to it whilst doing something and it'll calm you right down.

Also, I get to go see them with one of my favourite people in the world even if she is a bit crazy, Hollie. We're gonna have a good night together and it'll be the perfect welcome back home for Easter.

Let the countdown officially begin!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

I'm Not Ready

So, my unexpected visit home was longer than I planned but even now it's not long enough.

It's time to go back to my life in Cardiff with everything still uncertain. I don't want to go. I can't do it on my own again- being alone, hours away knowing that everyone back at home has each other. Uni always gets in the way and takes me away from family and it makes me hate and regret going to uni, but I know that I need to go back. I need to finish uni and make my family proud.

The last thing my Nan said to me was calling me her Cardiff girl and I will be damned if I can't finish uni and make her proud of me.

I'll be back in 9 days and I know I will be counting down the days because I just want to be with my family at this trialling time.

I hope and pray every day for good news. If there's a God out there, I beg of you to please grant me my wish of everything being okay, please!

Monday, 11 March 2013

I'm Stubborn

So, apparently, I'm stubborn.
I've always known that I am a sore loser. If I don't get my own way, or if I don't win something I really want to win, I will get pissed. I will most likely sulk too. It's a very childish trait of mine, but I really can't help it. It just sneaks up on me in the most unlikely ways and once the sulking train is in motion, nobody can stop it.

It's the butt of the jokes from my housemates because they always see competitive, sulky Nicole. Even when I'm drunk, I can not lose. It's not a matter of "it's just a game" to me, that concept doesn't even show up on my radar. It's never just a game!

Okay, so I knew I was a sore loser but apparently I'm stubborn too. 

It makes me laugh when people tell me new things about myself that I never knew. I try my hardest to not give in to people or to show my true emotions. If someone knows that I'm upset or I'm missing someone, I try my hardest to not let it show especially if I don't think they deserve to know how I'm feeling. 

But also, I am stubborn in my opinion. If I think something is right, you're gonna have a real hard time trying to convince me that I'm wrong until I'm good and ready to say that I was mistaken.

Just one of those loveable traits I have. I wonder if you guys (those who know me and read this) have noticed these two particular traits of mine? I'm pretty sure you have at some point or another.

I would change them, but I don't feel that I need to. I am me, and me is all I can be. I'm learning to love every part of me, including being a sore loser and stubborn.

Love to you all, my fellow stubborn people. Let's have a stubborn party and none of us will have fun because we'll all be too stubborn to admit that we are having fun ;)