Tuesday 26 March 2013

Pah Spring... Yeah Right

It officially became spring the other day and it officially still feels like winter...

The weather is a paradox that likes to mess with us all. I hate that there isn't an option to make this look like it was said in a singing voice- because it totally was said/sung that way in my head.

I like snow, and the cold. I do. I love being able to be all warm and snugly in houses without having to go outside. But more often than not, you have to go outside and your whole face practically gets frozen in one position from how cold it is. Bitterly cold winds, my favourite!

Apparently, according to the weather experts, for the rest of this month, we are having cold, wintry like weather and it's almost April. What is up with that?

How many times have you heard people moan about the weather? Aren't you so glad that you get to read my blog and hear yet another person moaning about it. If I'm anything, it's consistent. ;)

I just want a little bit of sunshine in my life.
This time last year we were having a glorious time with the sunshine, and now with such a stark contrast; I'm pretty sure the sun has run off to elope with the moon and is currently on their honeymoon leaving us with the cold weather...

So, weather Gods way up there in the clouds; quit with your snow flurries and give me some sun rays. Okay?


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