Monday 25 March 2013

Housewife Ryan

Given the circumstances that require my Mum to be away from home and at the hospital most hours of the day, it has fallen to us kids to keep the house running and my Mum fed and well. Between me and my sister, we have managed to feed my Mum in the hours she is home, make dinner for everyone else and keep the house clean. 

Sneakily, I cooked bacon yesterday and cooked more than was necessary in order to say "there's some leftover bacon if you want it" knowing that if food is there and cooked, my Mum will eat it.

Yesterday morning, I even took my dad food shopping to give my Mum less to do when she has a break from hospital duty. The situation is such a difficult thing because most of the time we all feel useless, but doing my little things around the house make me feel like I'm doing something helpful. 

I can't change my aunt's or my grandad's health but the one thing I can do is make life for my Mum a little easier. Even if that means making dinner for 7 people every night, or cleaning the house or taking my grandad's dogs for a walk.
If I can do my part, I'm hoping that the world will be nicer for us and give us all a break by making my family better and home.

Have a good Monday everyone, tell the people around you that you love them because life is precious!

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