Since the devastating loss in my family, we have adopted my Granddad's dogs to make sure they are well looked after and stay in the family where they belong. We will be looking after them during the week and when my Uncle comes back from working away from home, he will take them for the weekend.
When I peer into the eyes of my Nan and Granddad's dogs, I can't help but see them looking back at me and it breaks my heart. It's such a bittersweet moment knowing that I can see them and remember all the wonderfully happy memories but I also see the loss that we have suffered. I'm glad we can offer a loving home for them and we get to have a little piece of our lost loved ones with us.

I think given time, they will get used to one another and be able to live together quite happily without too much trouble. Either way, we can't get rid of our cats nor could we ever get rid of the dogs- so it has to work out.
Does anyone have any tips on integrating dogs into a cat household? If you do, could you let me know please. I'm open to any and every trick you have to help them get alone in this tricky, and sad circumstance.
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