Friday 11 July 2014

Friday Fun

This blog is going to be a mixture of my babblings about my Friday thoughts and pictures from my Friday... I've had quite an eventful day. Although, some bloggers are really good at taking pictures of everything that they do in the day and I do for the beginning of the day but then I forget to even get my phone out. Now, this is bad for my blog but pretty good in terms of forgetting to get my phone out because it means I'm not one of those people that is constantly on their phone in social situations- I hate those people!

Today I went to get my Dad's car serviced at the Volkswagen dealership but the problem was that we were waiting for the car to be done, which was 2 hours + and there is absolutely nothing around the dealership to hold your attention. There were a couple of shops and cafes but nothing that you could spend 2 hours doing and so we walked around a lot of I took a lot of pictures:
I found this car at the dealership that I really want! I want it so much. It's a Volkswagen Polo and I love the colour. It was labelled as £11,000 so the chances of me ever getting this is zero to none but I worked out that if I saved 1,000 a month of my wage, it would only take me around a year to save up for the car... I just want it. So if any of  you beautiful readers want to buy me it, I won't say no!!
So, after I found the car of my dreams, we went off shopping for different things looking around and trying to waste time, generally. And I came across this little pet shop that I wanted to know if they had any fish or birds to look at. To my surprise they had these adorable little kittens and I swear to God, if my Dad had said I was allowed to get one, I wouldn't have even thought about taking the little bundle home. Whenever I put my hand out, it rubbed itself against the bars for a stroke and I fell in love.
You can only imagine my disappointment when I could neither get the car NOR the kittens. I was absolutely devastated. Life just isn't fair. Why can't you get everything that you want, all the time? 
I also used to have a little cockatiel called Lucky and I found his replica in the pet shop too, which made me a little sad. He died last Christmas and I cried my heart out when he did. I miss his chirping, even if it was a tad annoying!
The grey one looks exactly like my little Lucky!
We then went for a good old tea and my Dad chose to also have a bacon sandwich. I chose not to because I'm trying to be healthy but then ate a double chocolate chip cookie after and so it cancelled out any healthy thoughts I had before. I should have just had a bacon sandwich as well. Rookie mistake saying no, next time I will just agree and have one too! YUMMY!
Anddddd I wrote a schedule for my blogs. If any of you are really intrigued about what might be coming soon on my blog, take a little look at my schedule but if not, keep it a surprise. I have managed to pre-write 6 out of the 8 blogs that I need to post during the time that I am on holiday that means for once, I am somewhat on the ball. Crazy, right?!
ANYWAYYYYYYYYYY, these pictures haven't been that exciting but I wanted to share with you my day in a different way. It's been quite the eventful one especially considering after all that, I went for a late lunch with my Mum, Dad and sisters... Too much Friday Fun, I think!

Cheerio and love you!

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