Monday 21 July 2014

Goodbye England

Today is the day that I get to fly away to the land of Turkey- not the food thankfully, but the land of sunshine and all inclusive cocktails and food. I can't wait!

Unfortunately for us, our flight is late evening with us flying at 8PM and so I have to wait all day with this sick feeling and the dread of flying. As many of you know, I hate flying because I do not like the take off. I don't like the first feeling of weightlessness that the plane has when you definitely know that the plane is somehow in the air without touching the ground. It makes me feel so nervous just talking about this and when I get nervous, it makes me feel like I'm going to physically puke!
I'm not going to think about it until I absolutely have to... Not yet!!

Anyway, I am all packed, Hollie and I *should* have gone to get a pedicure this morning but I have no idea because I am being cheeky and pre-writing this blog before it is Monday. I have to pre-write my blogs because otherwise I leave it to the last minute, don't have any ideas and then I end up not blogging at all. This is meant to be the month that I successfully blog everyday again. I can do it!


Turkey, here I come.

"Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away,
If you can use some exotic booze,
There's a bar in far Bombay,
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly awayyyyyy!"

Cheerio, from now on you'll be reading my pre-written blogs but I'll be there in heart and soul, I'll see you in a week!

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