Wednesday 2 July 2014

Things To Remember For Holiday

Now, there are only 19 days until I go on holiday and today I ticked off one of the most important things that I need to remember to get before I go on holiday. When I did this, I thought to myself, wouldn't it be good to write a blog about what you need to remember for holiday. Incase any of you need the help to remember some of the most important things. Now, this blog is not going to be a checklist, simpy because I don't have time to write out a list for what I need to take but I thought I'd give a little reminder for those things that aren't necessarily on the forefront of your mind:

1. Travel Insurance
I know many of people think they don't need travel insurance because it's a waste of money but I have had many accounts during my family holidays where travel insurance has come in so much use. For example, when we went to Disneyland Florida one year when I was little, my sister was rushed to hospital with appendicitis and had to have an emergency operation to save her life and have her appendix removed. This whole thing cost thousands of pounds that my parents didn't have to pay because they had travel insurance. Some people think that it is just for if you have an accident but something such as appendicitis is covered and it's so important to remember it! 
Take the documents with you, as well!!

2. European Heath Insurance Card or E111
Now this has the same sort of importance as travel insurance and everyone should have one. It gives you an opportunity to have free health care when you are in an European country. You may never need it but if you do, you'll be thankful that you do!

3. Medication
These are usually the last things that you pack because you use it right up until you go on holiday or travel to the airport but I can assure you, it's the one thing that you'l forget to take. Make sure that if you do need to take your medication before you leave that you put it in your suitcase as soon as you're done with it so you don't forget it. It'd be disastrous if you did!

4. Mobile Phone Charger
Once again, like medication, it's one of those things that you leave til last to pack because you use it overnight to charge your phone but it's one of those things that you don't generally think of when you're packing. The worst thing is forgetting your charger and no longer having your phone working especially when your phone is your safety net if you get into trouble. If you can, make sure you have a spare and pack that beforehand so that you can charge your phone before your flight and still have it for your holiday without needing to worry.

5. Plug Adapters
If you do manage to remember your mobile phone charger, then make sure that you also remember to pack a plug adapter. Many European countries have a two pin plug whereas us in the UK use a three pin plug and if you've got all your electronics but no adapter, they would be as useful as they would be if you had forgotten them. They're quite accessible to buy in the country you are travelling but they are also quite expensive to buy especially if you have the little buggers sat at home waiting for you.

6. Passport
With the recent drama about passports taking weeks and weeks to come through and not arriving in time, it's important that you look after your passport in the run up to the holiday and don't lose it because you probably won't get a chance to replace it. And if you do keep it safe, make sure that you keep checking you have before you travel to the airport because if there is one thing that you'll forget when you're rushing around trying to remember what you've forgotten, it will be the handy dandy little book that gives you the access to fly... Don't forget it!! 

I can't wait for my holiday and I know that I still need to get things such as toiletries and whatnot so maybe in one of my blogs to come, I will do a list of what you need to take on holiday.

Love you all!

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