Tuesday 26 November 2013

Christmas Differences

We all celebrate Christmas every year and as we get older, although the premise of Christmas stays the same; Christmas changes a lot as we grow up. When we're a kid, the idea of Father Christmas and his magical journey around the world fills us with such wonder and joy. When we're a teenager, the idea of getting the latest technological toy fills us with such wonder and joy. And now that I'm in my early 20s, the idea of Christmas has changed a little again. The thought of my family growing, and the fact next year, there will be a little baby for us to spread magic on fills me with excitement.

For todays blog, I thought I would explore some of the changes that happen as we get older.

1. You no longer want barbies or the latest toys.
I don't know about you but I never know what I want for Christmas. My family and friends always ask me what I want and the same answer they get every year is "I don't know." The thing is when you et older, you get less picky. You don't feel like you need anything, or at least I don't want anything. And if I do want something, it is never specific or elaborate. I enjoy Christmas because it's a time where we all spend the time together and we do share gifts but the best gift I could ask for, is the gift of thought. 

2. You no longer believe in Father Christmas.
This fact makes me a little sad because I love the thought of a magical Father Christmas and if I could go back and relive the moments where I truly believed he might not come, I would in a heartbeat. It's one of those things that you hold dear to your childish heart and the thought of just buying each other gifts is a lot less exciting than Father christmas. Plus, I miss leaving out cookies, milk and a carrot for Father Christmas. But I look forward to doing all that with my nieces and nephews as well as my own children when the come along.

3. You no longer say no to eating all your vegetables.
This may just be me because I'm weird but I really love vegetables and vegetables are one of my favourite things about Christmas dinner. I used to hate every single food there ever was as a child because I was so fussy, and even to this day I will say no to certain food but I've certainly got better at eating. I'm not really that fussed about food but I love Christmas dinner- from all the vegetables, the roast potatoes and to the pigs in blankets (sausages wrapped in bacon). I love it. Children pick and choose what to eat and end up running around eating chocolate more than the actually dinner but adults end up eating more of their roast.

4. You get bored by the end of the day.
As children, you never ever want Christmas day to end simply because you are having so much fun with playing with your toys and family members. But as an adult, you know when enough is enough and that is generally after you're all full, tired and a little bit annoyed with how much family time you've had. That isn't to say that you don't love your family but it's a lot harder to spent hours on end with family as you get older and more opinionated than it is when you're younger. There definitely should be a time limit on when everyone should go home from your house on Christmas.

But there are some things that stay the same from when you're a child:

1. You always have to have an advent calendar to count down those 25 days before Christmas.
It's tradition and just because you're over the age of 16, doesn't mean that your Mum or Dad can skip out on buying you one. Plus it's a bona fide reason for you to eat chocolate every day. What could be better?

2. You wake up really early.
You can't help but have your body clock wake you up early on Christmas. And if you're really a child in an adult's body, you won't have been able to sleep the night before. Even though you know your parents buy you presents and there is no magical Father Christmas, there is still that excitement in your tummy knowing that it's Christmas the next day. I don't know what it is, but I hope that feeling never goes because it is what makes Christmas such a special time of the year.

3. You want to decorate the house and tree.
You are never too old to help your Mum decorate the tree and tell her where to put things in the house. And if you've moved out, I can guarantee you that you get excited at the thought of everything you could buy to decorate your house. I remember when I was at uni, Charlotte and I would take a whole day out to buy decorations to decorate our house and I loved it. It is that build up that helps to put you in the Christmas spirit and dare any of you to defy the tradition of decorating the house/tree this year.

It's almost Christmas and I can't wait. I can't believe how quickly November has sped by and how close Christmas is now. It's insane and it's true when adults say to children to savour their time now because time flies as you get older!

How's your Tuesday coming along? Have I added a little Christmassy spirit into your day? I hope so!

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